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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Lovely discusses possible outcomes of Trump-Xi meeting on Bloomberg

"We're looking at politics here so he [President Trump] may be looking for some gigantic sign that he has won, that he as somehow brought the Chinese to the table in a way that no one else could," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "And I think that's where the danger lies because that's what the Chinese are not going to want to give him."

June 26, 2019

Flores-Lagunes article on quantile treatment effects published in JBES

German Blanco, Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
June 25, 2019

Taylor discusses Putinism on CNAS podcast

Brian Taylor, professor and chair of political science and author of The Code of Putinism (Oxford University Press, 2018), was a guest on the Center for a New American Security podcast Brussels Sprouts. Taylor says that Putinism is less an ideology than a code for staying in Vladimir Putin’s good graces, administering authority over the largest country on earth, and maintaining a grip on power in a nation whose economy continues to stagnate
June 25, 2019

Monnat publishes study on impact of economic factors on opioid crisis

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & Andrew Hochstetler
June 25, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Gillibrand's legislative victories in PolitiFact

According to Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, it can be difficult to measure how much a lawmaker worked behind the scenes to advance legislation, because the paper trail isn’t always clear.

June 25, 2019

Boroujerdi op-ed on US-Iran tensions published in US News

"If the White House game plan was based on the premise that imposing more robust sanctions would cause a popular uprising by the Iranian people to bring down the regime, it badly miscalculated," writes Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi. "Instead, the nuclear withdrawal convinced Tehran that ill will should beget ill will."

June 25, 2019

Maxwell alum appointed Beverly Hills city clerk

As city clerk, Huma Ahmed '16 E.M.P.A./CAS (Conflict Resolution) will be the community face of the city, working with the city manager and translating the professional language of the city to the people.

June 25, 2019

Nazak Nikakhtar nominated to Commerce post

Nazak Nikakhtar ’02 MA (Econ) has been nominated by President Donald Trump to become Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry & Security. She currently serves as Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Industry and Analysis), where she is the department’s primary liaison with United States industry and trade associations.
June 25, 2019

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