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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Four Maxwell students selected as 2019 PMF finalists

Created more than three decades ago, the Presidential Management Fellows Program Program is a flagship leadership development program for advanced-degree candidates who, if selected, receive two-year appointments within federal agencies. The program attracts and selects the best candidates possible, particularly those with the greatest potential to become government leaders.

November 28, 2018

Koch speaks with Astana Times about Kazakhstan’s energy landscape

Natalie Koch, associate professor of geography, was interviewed for the Astana Times article "Renewable energy potential attracts greater investment to Kazakhstan, says scholar." Koch, who recently authored The Geopolitics of Spectacle: Space, Synecdoche and the New Capitals of Asia, discussed Kazakhstan’s current and future energy landscape. 11/28/18
November 28, 2018

Banks discusses military role at border in Military Times, Vox

"On one hand, it is kind of ridiculous because there is nothing approaching an invasion there," says William C. Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. "There is no indication that there is a force lining the border that [Customs and Border Protection] couldn’t take care of. But on the other hand, if you take the Cabinet order’s language at face value, and take what the president is saying as credible threats, then it becomes grayer."

November 28, 2018

Reeher weighs in on Bloomberg run in 2020 in The Hill

"There still isn’t clarity on what is the best way for the Democratic Party to position itself to face Republicans generally and Donald Trump specifically," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher, adding that there are good arguments to be made on both sides. "I still don’t think it’s clear. And Bloomberg himself is unclear."

November 28, 2018

SU to open ‘Americans Who Tell the Truth,’ host public discussion

Robert Shetterly's 238-painting portrait series highlight American citizens who courageously address issues of social, environmental and economic fairness. Major sponsor of the exhibition and the accompanying lecture is the Maxwell School’s Tanner Lecture Series for Ethics, Citizenship, and Public Responsibility in cooperation with the University Lectures and the Graduate Program in Museum Studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ (VPA) School of Design.

November 27, 2018

Coverage of Maxwell X Lab initiative picked up around the world

“We made a simple letter directly for the property owner receiving it, from a person working for the city. The request, (needed) steps and personalized note were laid out to draw immediate attention,” describes Joseph Boskovski '14 M.P.A., a co-founder of the Maxwell X Lab.

November 27, 2018

Maxwell alum Joseph Strasser recipient of 2018 Arents Award

Maxwell alumnus Joseph Strasser ’53 B.A. (History)/’58 M.P.A., one of the Ssool’s most significant donors of all time, received the prestigious 2018 Arents Award, Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor. When accepting the award, Strasser spoke about his time in Germany and his philanthropic commitment to education and the welfare of animals.

November 26, 2018

Keck provides insight on court-packing battles to come in Washington Post

"The new Democratic majority in the House spells big trouble for President Trump, who will now be subject to substantial congressional oversight," says Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics.

November 20, 2018

Lovely discusses Made in America labeling in Wall Street Journal

According to Mary Lovely, professor of economics, the rules around Made in America labeling can be confusing, and companies can violate them without realizing it. "There are rules, and companies—even if they’re trying to abide by them—may find them complicated, so issuing a cease and desist, it might not be unreasonable."

November 20, 2018

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