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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Reeher comments on Trump's Asia trip in Washington Examiner

"On the one hand, it takes him to a region, and to individual countries, that he's criticized, and with which he's already had tensions. So, a lot of things could go wrong," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. "On the other hand, a diplomatic trip like this almost forces him to behave in a more conventional way, and that could help his image at home."

October 16, 2017

Maxwell School, CSIS partner on Executive IR degree in Washington, DC

“The complexity of today’s global environment demands an interdisciplinary and practical understanding of the threats and challenges facing the international community,” says Dr. John Hamre, Center for Strategic and International Studies president and CEO. “We want to create a space where innovative ideas can surface and where the next generation of leaders can start to contribute meaningful policy ideas.”

October 12, 2017

Boroujerdi quoted in The Guardian on Iran's revolutionary guard

Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science, was interviewed for The Guardian article, "'It's become a monster': is Iran's revolutionary guard a terror group?"

October 12, 2017

Pralle comments on flood mapping in Houston Chronicle

"Officials are concerned about the financial burden on individual property owners, but also worry about decreased property values and increased restrictions on development," Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science.

October 11, 2017

Perreault lectures in Mexico as Elisée Reclus Chair

Professor of Geography Thomas Perreault earlier this month was a visiting scholar with the Elisée Reclus Chair.  The Elisée Reclus Chair was established in the 1990s for the purposes of bringing French geographers to lecture and teach in Mexico, and later expanded to include geographers from more countries. Perreault was the first U.S. geographer to hold the chair.

October 11, 2017

O'Keefe quoted in USA Today article on National Space Council

"The vice president has an interest in technology and space policy generally, so the council becomes a good venue to put some context to all of this," says University Professor Sean O'Keefe.

October 10, 2017

Nabatchi awarded 2017 Sharon M. Pickett Award by the Association for Conflict Resolution

The award recognizes contributions to environmental and public policy issues, and is being awarded to Tina Nabatchi, professor of public administration and international affairs, for her book "Collaborative Governance Regimes."
October 10, 2017

Gadarian paper on emotions, foreign policy published in ISSF Roundtable

"Emotions can cause us to care about foreign policy, and they can also fundamentally shape the types of policies that citizens want. Emotions change our decision-making calculus," finds Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, and her co-author.

October 6, 2017

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