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Maxwell School News and Commentary

VIDEO: Faulkner a featured scholar at women's suffrage celebration

Maxwell Associate Dean and Professor of History Carol Faulkner was one of the featured scholars on day one of the VoteTilla voyage. VoteTilla is part of a year-long celebration recognizing 100 years of women’s voices and suffrage in New York state.

July 20, 2017

Reeher comments on health care reform, bipartisanship in The Hill

“The two parties are very close in number—it’s a very even split—and they are polarized,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. “Those things tend to reinforce each other, make it harder to work across the aisle, which makes it harder to pass any big bill.” 

July 20, 2017

Purser report on treatment of dairy farmworkers cited in NY Times

Gretchen Purser's research on labor conditions for dairy farmworkers is playing a central role in an ongoing NY State Supreme Court battle in which farmworkers are arguing for their right to organize. Purser's report, "Milked: Immigrant Dairy Farmworkers in New York State," was cited in the New York Times. 07/20/17
July 20, 2017

See related: Agriculture, Labor

Bruno-van Vijfeijken comments on digital activism in Global Policy

"If we want citizen agency and activism to be strengthened through digital means, then we cannot complain that it works in both political directions: that is the nature of democracy," says Tosca Bruno-Van Vijfeijken, adjunct faculty member at the Maxwell School.

July 20, 2017

Maxwell and Cornell co-host International Studies Summer Institute on refugees in the classroom

This year's workshop for NY K-12 teachers equipped teachers with tools to address an increase in offensive and intolerant opinions expressed by children against minority groups, including often-targeted refugee students.

July 18, 2017

Andrew Cohen discusses history of internships on Marketplace

According to Andrew Wender Cohen, professor of history, the current system of training and acclimating young people to the work world has its antecedents in the Middle Ages. “Families couldn’t necessarily afford to feed all the members of the household, so this was a way of getting rid of children who had gotten too old to live in the house and not work,” he says.

July 13, 2017

Elman quoted on proposed Israeli academic ethics code in Algemeiner

Miriam Elman, associate professor of political science, commented on the Israeli academic ethics code and how it compares to that of the American Association of University Professors.

July 13, 2017

Purser cited in Albany Times Union article on state dairy worker injuries

The Albany Times Union article, "Two-thirds of dairy workers have been injured at least once, report finds," features Gretchen Purser's recently released report, "Milked: Dairy Farmworkers in New York," that looks at the treatment and working conditions of immigrant laborers who work in milking parlors and barns in New York State. “The rates of injury were far higher than we expected,” Purser told the Times Union. “That was stunning.” 07/11/17
July 11, 2017

See related: Agriculture, Labor

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