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Harrington Meyer paper on Social Security reform published in RSF Journal of Social Sciences

Mar 9, 2018

A Targeted Minimum Benefit Plan: A New Proposal to Reduce Poverty Among Older Social Security Recipients A Targeted Minimum Benefit Plan

Pamela Herd, Melissa M. Favreault, Madonna Harrington Meyer & Timothy M. Smeeding

The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, March 2018

Madonna Harrington Meyer headshot

Madonna Harrington Meyer

"A Targeted Minimum Benefit Plan: A New Proposal to Reduce Poverty Among Older Social Security Recipients A Targeted Minimum Benefit Plan," co-authored by Madonna Harrington Meyer, was published in the Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. The authors propose an effective and relatively inexpensive targeted program to provide a minimally adequate floor to old-­age income through the Social Security system. This minimum benefit plan would provide a cost-­effective method for reducing elder poverty to very low levels. 03/09/18