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Pregnancy Medicaid Expansions and Fertility: Differentiating Between the Intensive and Extensive Margins

Lincoln H. Groves, Sarah Hamersma, Leonard M. Lopoo & Sarah Hamersma
May 31, 2018

The Effect of Parental Medicaid Expansions on Children's Health Insurance Coverage

Sarah Hamersma, Matthew Kim & Brenden Timpe
May 31, 2018

Engelhardt research cited in Fiscal Times article on Social Security

Gary Engelhardt, professor of economics, and his co-authors found that the introduction of the early retirement option lowered the average age of those claiming Social Security by about a year and a half and lowered Social Security income by an average of 1.5 percent for male-headed retired households.

May 31, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China trade war in Forbes, Christian Science Monitor, Financial Times, IBD

U.S. tariffs will “drive up costs for U.S.-based manufacturers and disadvantage American workers competing in global markets,” due to the additional costs they will inject into the supply chain, according to Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

May 31, 2018

Health Econometrics

Badi H. Baltagi
May 30, 2018

The Effects of Parental Medicaid Expansions on Children’s Health Insurance Coverage

Sarah Hamersma, Matthew Kim & Brenden Timpe
May 27, 2018

See related: Insurance

Lovely discusses possible US tariffs on auto imports with Bloomberg

"We've come to expect this type of ebb and flow in terms of the threat of levying trade protections against our trading partners from this administration," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

May 24, 2018

Kutcher receives graduate faculty recognition award

Norman Kutcher received the 2018 Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award. He was among eight total recipients honored for their positive influence on graduate education at Syracuse University.
May 23, 2018

Gadarian quoted in Associated Press article on Trump's business conflicts

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, says those who pay attention to politics tend to be more partisan and often set aside information they find inconsistent with their beliefs. "To the extent that you like this administration," she says, "you might say this is just the way business is done. This isn’t a concern."

May 23, 2018

Thomsen weighs in on comeback of moderate Democrats in Roll Call

"Until there are more moderates elected they aren’t going to be able to galvanize and be able to leverage the votes that they need to have any influence," says Danielle Thomsen, assistant professor of political science.

May 23, 2018

Lovely discusses the latest on the US-China trade conflict in Associated Press

"They failed to drill down on the biggest frictions facing U.S. businesses and on those where we are most able to move the Chinese," Mary Lovely, professor of economics, says of the vague statement the U.S. and China released regarding the trade conflict.

May 22, 2018

Maxwell students receive Fulbright UK Summer Institute grants

Kevin Treadway, a freshman history and political science major, and Janaisa Walker, a sophomore policy studies major, have been named as student cultural ambassadors through the U.S.-U.K. Fulbright Commission’s U.K. Summer Institute program. Treadway will travel to Wales to study Welsh identity and nationhood at Aberystwyth University, while Walker will study at the University of Westminster in England, in a program focused on developing leadership skills for a global age. 

May 21, 2018

Reeher weighs in on Russia probe, midterm elections in USA Today

"If something big is revealed—an impeachable offense by the president—that could be a significant factor in creating a blue (Democratic) wave," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. On the other hand, he says, if the investigations end with nothing really significant or new "it gives power to President Trump's narrative that it has all been a witch hunt, which could give Republicans a boost."

May 21, 2018

Banks discusses release of documents in Russia probe on Bloomberg

Professor Emeritus William C. Banks says that the recently released meeting transcripts between the Trump campaign and Russian lawyers corroborated what was already known, that "the Russians did attempt to influence the election, and they attempted to do so in favor of the candidate Donald Trump, who they hoped would win."

May 21, 2018

Journalism and Ideals of Democracy

These are interesting times for journalists in America. We reached out to nine of them, all with degrees from Maxwell. With their public affairs education, they understand as well as any journalists what the vigor of the press means to us all.
May 21, 2018

Reeher quoted in The Hill article on Trump attacks on Mueller

"It has obviously been an enormous distraction for the administration," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. "Whatever the amount of political capital [Trump had], it has been diminished."

May 18, 2018

Maxwell celebrates graduates, faculty at Commencement Weekend 2018

Commencement weekend for graduates of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University began on Friday, May 11 in Hendricks Chapel with Maxwell’s 2018 Graduate Convocation honoring Master’s and doctoral degree candidates across the school’s scholarly and professional programs.
May 18, 2018

See related: Student Experience

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