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Constructive conversations about important issues

Tales Out of School: What Six Years in Congress Taught me About Political Representation

Former Congressman Richard Hanna reflects on his time in Congress and the nature of American representative democracy. Hanna often bucked his party in the House and has some interesting reflections on his experiences.

April 6, 2017

Revitalizing Syracuse: How Poor Cities Can Invest to Create Wealth

Panelists will include Andrew Fish of CenterState CEO and Honora Spillane of the Syracuse Industrial Development Agency. Co-sponsored by the Syracuse Downtown Committee and the New York State Association of REALTORS.

March 21, 2017

Donald Trump and the Future of the Republican Party: A View from #NeverTrump

Why would a long-time Republican party activist speak out forcefully and repeatedly against his own party's nominee for president, and even vote for Hillary Clinton? What does Donald Trump mean for the future of the Republican Party?

Mac Stipanovich is chair of Florida State Government Relations and practices administrative law representing entities before state government agencies, the Governor and Cabinet and the legislature. He is a Florida lobbyist of the Republican Party and will discuss the future of the party.

February 6, 2017

Soldiers on the Home Front

Soldiers on the Home Front—a new book by William C. Banks and Stephen Dycus—is the first to systematically analyze the domestic role of the military as it is shaped by law, surveying America’s history of judicial decisions, constitutional provisions, statutes, regulations, military orders and martial law to ask what we must learn and do before the next crisis.

Discussants are national security and counterterrorism expert William C. Banks, founding director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism and professor of public administration and international affairs, and Maxwell Dean James B. Steinberg.

March 22, 2016

Campbell Public Affairs Institute
306 Eggers Hall