Federal Budget Policy in the 1980s
John L. Palmer
The Urban Institute Press, December 1984

In late 1981, The Urban Institute began a three-year project to examine shifts in domestic policies occurring under the Reagan administration, That project is called Changing Domestic Priorities. Its objectives are (I) to monitor and interpret significant shifts in economic and social policy; (2) to determine the actual and likely consequences of these shifts; and (3) to explore the implications and alternatives for future public actions.
The Urban Institute Press initiated the Changing Domestic Priorities Series in September 1982 with the publication of The Reagan Experiment. Since then, seventeen paperback studies have been released or are forthcoming, including Housing Assistance for Older Americans: Medicaid in the Reagan Era; Wage Inflation:
Older Americans in the Reagan Era; Federal Housing Policy at President Reagan's Midterm; State and Local Fiscal Relations in the Early 1980s; The Deficit Dilemma; Housing Finance; and Public Opinion during the Reagan Administration.
New titles include: Relief or Reform? Reagan's Regulatory Dilemma: The Social Contract Revisited; Natural Resources and the Environment; The Legacy of Reaganomics; Federal Budget Policy in the 1980s; The
Reagan Regulatory Strategy; and The Reagan Presidency and the Governing of America. The Reagan Record was published in September 1984 by Ballinger Publishing Co.