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Keck study on international judicial behavior published in LSI

Jun 3, 2021

Diplomats in Robes: Judicial Career Paths and Free Speech Decision-Making at the European Court of Human Rights

Erik Bleich, Thomas M. Keck, Neha Sharma & Claire Sigsworth

Law & Social Inquiry, June 2021

Thomas M. Keck

Thomas M. Keck

"Diplomats in Robes: Judicial Career Paths and Free Speech Decision-Making at the European Court of Human Rights," co-authored by Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, and Ph.D. candidate Claire Sigsworth, was published in Law & Social Inquiry. Their findings show that former judicial career is related to voting patterns in free speech cases. This relationship is clearest for former diplomats, who stand out both for their willingness to vote against freedom-of-expression claims and for their inclination to author dissents against holdings supporting such claims. 08/26/21

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