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PPMG SYMPOSIUM ISSUE: Minnowbrook at 50 co-edited by Julia L. Carboni and Tina Nabatchi

Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, December 2019

Tina Nabatchi

Tina Nabatchi

Saba Siddiki

Saba Siddiki

Catherine M. Gerard

Catherine M. Gerard

Todd Dickey

Todd Dickey

Sean O'Keefe

Sean O'Keefe

Perspectives on Public Management and Governance published a special symposium issue about Minnowbrook at 50, a conference hosted in August 2018 by the Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Minnowbrook I and honor the legacy of all the Minnowbrook conferences. The issue includes a brief discussion about the Minnowbrook conferences and the set-up of Minnowbrook 50, and seven articles that are the result of the small group deliberations that took place at the conference. 12/05/19

Campbell Public Affairs Institute
306 Eggers Hall