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Understanding regulation using the Institutional Grammar 2.0

Saba Siddiki, Christopher K. Frantz

Regulation & Governance, July 2023

Saba Siddiki

Saba Siddiki

Over the last decade, there has been increased interest in understanding the design (i.e., content) of regulation as a basis for studying regulation formation, implementation, and outcomes. Within this line of research, scholars have been particularly interested in investigating regulatory dynamics relating to features and patterns of regulatory text and have engaged a variety of methodological approaches to support their assessments.

One approach featured in this research is the Institutional Grammar (IG). The IG supports syntactic and semantic analyses of institutional statements (e.g., regulatory provisions) that embed within regulatory text. A recently revised version—called the IG 2.0—further supports robust analyses of regulatory text by offering an expanded feature set particularly well-suited to extracting and classifying content relevant for the study of regulation.

This paper (i) provides a brief introduction to the IG 2.0 and (ii) discusses theoretical and analytical advantages of using the IG 2.0 to study regulation.

Center for Policy Design and Governance
426 Eggers Hall