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Michael J. Wasylenko

Michael J. Wasylenko

Contact Information:

Michael J. Wasylenko

Professor Emeritus, Economics Department

Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Economics

Senior Research Associate

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1975


Michael Wasylenko is a Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Economics and a senior research associate in the Center for Policy Research. Wasylenko specializes in public finance issues and has published extensively on state and local finance, firm location, tax incentives and population decentralization within metropolitan areas. Wasylenko co-authored "Foreign Investment in the United States: Issues, Magnitudes, and Location Choice of New Manufacturing Plants, 1978 to 1987," and is author or co-author of over 70 journal articles, book chapters, technical papers and invited reviews.

He has worked on fiscal policy in a number of states, including Arizona, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and, most recently, Connecticut. He has also worked internationally, including in Egypt, Hungary, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, South Africa and Thailand. Wasylenko received a Ph.D. in economics from Syracuse University in 1975. 

Areas of Expertise

Public finance, public finance in developing countries, urban economics

Research Interests

State and local taxation, economic development of states, tax and expenditure incidence 

Selected Publications

Selected Papers

"Financing Central Cities: The Economics Underlying Fiscal Strategy Options With Special Reference to Syracuse City and the Consensus Report," Michael Wasylenko. Center for Policy Research Working Paper No.  204. July 2017, 31pp. 

"Competiveness: Factors that Contribute to Economic Growth in States with Special Reference to State and Local Spending and Taxes." Michael Wasylenko. In Connecticut Tax Study Panel Report, 2015. Vol. 2, Research Papers: Policy Framework and State Taxes. 57 pages.

“Meeting the Fiscal Challenges to Finance Local Government." Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong (Editors), The Changing Landscape of Local Public Revenues: Proceedings of the 2009 Land Policy Conference, Cambridge MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (2009), pp. 497-506.

“Health Care and the Looming Fiscal Crisis in the United States." State, Government, Public Management: Chilean Journal of Public Administration, (Estado, Gobierno, Gestion Publica: Revista Chilena de Administracion Publica), No. 9 (June, 2007), pp. 65-78.

"Proceedings of the Ninety-Eighth Annual Conference of the National Tax Association." George Palumbo, Tax Institute of America (2005). 

“The Impact of Aid, Need and Structure on Fiscal Disparities in Metropolitan America: 2002.”

“Taxation and Economic Development: The State of the Economic Literature.” New England Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston) (March/April, 1997), pp. 37-52.

Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall