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Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

Population Health Research Brief Series

Pain Limits Family Caregivers’ Daily Activities

Shelbie G. Turner, Karl A. Pillemer, Jamie R.M. Robinson, and M. Cary Reid

January 2024


Family caregivers are the main providers of home care to older adults, especially as the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia rises. Caregiving can take a toll on caregivers’ physical and mental health, which impacts both their own well-being and their care recipients’ health outcomes. This brief summarizes findings from a study that used data from the 2017 National Study on Caregiving (NSOC) to estimate the prevalence of arthritis and activity-limiting pain among 1,930 family caregivers to older adults. Over half of all caregivers reported bothersome pain in the previous month, 24% of whom had pain that limited their activities on most or every day.

Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health