What Is The Council of Europe? — and Why It Matters
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Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Center for European Studies
What Is The Council of Europe? — and Why It Matters
Thomas Kattau, Council of Europe
Elena Hedoux, Council of Europe
Today the European political landscape is marked by the persistent question about the capacity of democratic systems to meet the population's expectations. Europe experiences an increase in authoritarian temptations and a resurgence of nationalism. This puts Council of Europe, celebrating 70 years of existence, to the test. In this time it has succeeded in creating a common legal space for 47 countries based on its core mission: to promote and uphold the values of democracy, human rights and respect for the rule of law. The Council promotes a model of democratic governance that is the hallmark of the European model together with the human rights protection mechanism. This model is currently challenged and the Council of Europe is working on its role to remain relevant.
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Contact Havva Karakas-Keles for more information: hkarakas@syr.edu
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