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Community Engagement for Improving Livelihood of Youth in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector

Charles Schweik & Lucia N. Miller (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
June 1, 2013

Spoilers of Peace and the Dilemmas of Conflict Resolution

Miriam Elman, Nimrod Goren, editors
This publication sheds light on the phenomenon of spoilers as an inseparable part of the peacemaking process.
November 1, 2012

Conflict and Change

The latest edition of Lou Kriesberg’s classic text examines new evidence on how to wage conflicts less destructively.

August 21, 2012

The Sudan Handbook

Jok Madut Jok
December 31, 2011

See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan)

The Sources of Democratic Responsiveness in Mexico

Matthew R. Cleary
December 31, 2010

Ordinary Violence in Mussolini’s Italy

Michael R. Ebner
December 31, 2010

PARCC - EPARCC - Syllabus - Networks and Public Management

The audience for this course is the current or prospective public manager seeking a Master of Public Affairs or Public Policy degree or its equivalent.

November 19, 2010

Monument Negotiation

Linda Blessing and Bette F. DeGraw (Arizona State University)
November 1, 2010

Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding

Bruce Dayton, Louis Kriesberg, editors
December 31, 2009

Combating Terrorism

Renée de Nevers and William C. Banks
December 31, 2008

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Conflict Management Center (CMC) Training Workshop: Basic Training Part 2: Interest-Based Problem Solving.

204 Maxwell Hall

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Basic Training Part 2: Interest-Based Problem Solving  

Saturday, October 21, 2017, in 204 Maxwell Hall, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Registration: The workshop is FREE and open to all, but registration is required. To register, please fill out this quick form or send us an email to with your name, status, department or community organization, and dietary restrictions. Let us know if you require special accommodations. Morning coffee and light lunch will be provided!

Workshop description
How do you get beyond “this is what I want” and “this is what you want” in a conflict? How do you identify creative solutions to problems? This workshop is a follow-up to the Conflict Styles and Reflective Listening training, though attendance at our first training is not required. IBPS is an approach to addressing conflict that seeks to identify and satisfy the underlying interests of all parties. This interactive workshop focuses on the basic steps of IBPS. You will learn about tools and skills for identifying interests, reframing problems, and generating and deciding on mutually satisfying solutions. Add this 'tool' to your conflict management toolbox in an interactive, participatory workshop format. 

Dr. Tina Nabatchi, Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs, will be leading this workshop.

Please register by October 19 so we can ensure we have the appropriate amount of materials and food. If you have any questions please send an email to Carolina Arango-Vargas, CMC Director, at

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Contact to request accommodations

Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall