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PARCC scholars collaborate on new book on conflict

Catherine M. Gerard and Louis Kriesberg
December 31, 2018

The Code of Putinism

Brian Taylor
December 31, 2018

See related: Russia

Nabatchi named Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration

Tina Nabatchi, a leading scholar on citizen participation, collaborative governance, and conflict resolution, and on challenges in public administration, has been named the inaugural Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
September 18, 2018

Purser article on problems with Eviction Lab published in Shelterforce

Daniella Aiello, Lisa Bates, Terra Graziani, Christopher Herring, Manissa Maharawal, Erin McElroy, Pamela Phan & Gretchen Purser
August 27, 2018

See related: Housing

Sultana quoted in Grist article on climate scientist James Hansen

Looking back on how scientists responded to climate change over the past 30 years, Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, says "a positive outcome is that today a number of young people understand and care about the impacts of climate change…with a greater focus on issues of equity and justice."

June 27, 2018

Maxwell announces promotions, tenure for eight faculty

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University is pleased to announce the promotion of the following distinguished individuals to professor in their field. 
June 18, 2018

Perspectives on Waging Conflicts Constructively

Bruce Dayton, Louis Kriesberg, editors
December 31, 2017

Nabatchi awarded 2017 Sharon M. Pickett Award by the Association for Conflict Resolution

The award recognizes contributions to environmental and public policy issues, and is being awarded to Tina Nabatchi, professor of public administration and international affairs, for her book "Collaborative Governance Regimes."
October 10, 2017

Gerard and Castro conduct conflict management workshop in Jordan

Catherine Gerard and Peter Castro conducted a four-day workshop in Amman, Jordan. The workshop was funded by the Near East Foundation Olive Oil Without Borders III Project to promote reconciliation between Palestinians, Israelis, and Jordanians by strengthening economic cooperation and promoting mutual understanding in the olive sector.
August 18, 2017

Gerard and Bruno-van Vijfeijken deliver leadership program in Tanzania

Catherine Gerard and Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken delivered the Senior Leadership Development Programme in Tanzania. They were invited by several large international NGOs: ActionAid, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and Oxfam.
August 16, 2017

Purser report on treatment of dairy farmworkers cited in NY Times

Gretchen Purser's research on labor conditions for dairy farmworkers is playing a central role in an ongoing NY State Supreme Court battle in which farmworkers are arguing for their right to organize. Purser's report, "Milked: Immigrant Dairy Farmworkers in New York State," was cited in the New York Times. 07/20/17
July 20, 2017

See related: Agriculture, Labor

Purser cited in Albany Times Union article on state dairy worker injuries

The Albany Times Union article, "Two-thirds of dairy workers have been injured at least once, report finds," features Gretchen Purser's recently released report, "Milked: Dairy Farmworkers in New York," that looks at the treatment and working conditions of immigrant laborers who work in milking parlors and barns in New York State. “The rates of injury were far higher than we expected,” Purser told the Times Union. “That was stunning.” 07/11/17
July 11, 2017

See related: Agriculture, Labor

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September 27, 2024

Conflict Management Center Presents: Basic Conflict Management Skills

Maxwell Hall, 204


October 11, 2024

Conflict Management Center Presents: Group Facilitation

Eggers Hall, 220


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Conflict Management Center Presents: Interest-Based Problem Solving

Maxwell Hall, 204


Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall