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Political Science News and Events

Gift Supports Professorship to Inspire Generations of Engaged Citizens

Shana Kushner Gadarian has been named the inaugural Merle Goldberg Fabian Professor of Excellence in Citizenship and Critical Thinking, a position funded with a generous gift by its namesake.
January 31, 2022

Taylor Talks to 3AW Radio About Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine

An estimated 127,000 Russian troops amass along the Ukraine border, and fears of an invasion are mounting. Professor of Political Science Brian Taylor, says there "probably will be some kind of Russian military activity in Ukraine," but he doesn't expect it to happen this week.

January 26, 2022

See related: Russia, Ukraine

Reeher Discusses Rep. Katko's Retirement With The Hill, WRVO

Rep. John Katko (R-NY 24th District) announced his retirement last week, creating an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a seat. But some experts warn that nominating someone who is too far to the left could turn off moderate voters, such as those who voted for both Biden and Katko in 2020.
January 20, 2022

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall