Political Science News and Events
Taylor's Code of Putinism makes War on the Rocks 2018 reading list
"The Code of Putinism" (Oxford University Press, 2018), Professor of Political Science Brian Taylor's new book, is described as "an essential guide for understanding Russian decision making beyond mere cable news talking points."
Reeher weighs in on Bloomberg run in 2020 in The Hill
"There still isn’t clarity on what is the best way for the Democratic Party to position itself to face Republicans generally and Donald Trump specifically," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher, adding that there are good arguments to be made on both sides. "I still don’t think it’s clear. And Bloomberg himself is unclear."
Keck provides insight on court-packing battles to come in Washington Post
"The new Democratic majority in the House spells big trouble for President Trump, who will now be subject to substantial congressional oversight," says Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics.
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The Assault on the State
Eggers Hall, 220
In their new book, "The Assault on the State", Stephen E. Hanson and Jeffrey Kopstein describe the dangers of state erosion and outline a strategy that can reverse this destructive trend.