Political Science News and Events
Elizabeth Cohen defines sanctuary areas in PolitiFact article
Thorson discusses how Trump responds to difficult questions on NPR
"My sense is that he's relying on some stock phrases that he pulls out again and again, especially when he's called on to make a statement about an issue that perhaps he hasn't done a lot of research on or doesn't have a lot of information on," says Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science.
Reeher weighs in on the Kavanaugh Effect in Reforma
"The general impulse seems to favor the conservative/republican mood... But the Democrats have recruited many women who are competing for competitive seats...and the confirmation of Kavanaugh could help the Democratic candidates in places that count," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.
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The Assault on the State
Eggers Hall, 220
In their new book, "The Assault on the State", Stephen E. Hanson and Jeffrey Kopstein describe the dangers of state erosion and outline a strategy that can reverse this destructive trend.