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Political Science News and Events

Reeher Discusses Biden’s Response to the Israel-Hamas War in Newsweek Article

"[The response has] been very clear, very resolute, it's been unequivocal, and it's not making some of the folks in the Democratic electorate or caucus happy," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. "The question is where it goes from here in concrete assistance, and if Israel gets engaged in some activities and we in a sense help them, it could complicate things."

October 16, 2023

Gadarian Speaks With NBC News About Speculation of Additional Attacks in US Like Those in Israel

It’s human nature to seek out information about additional threats in the days after an attack like the ones in Israel, so that people can avoid risk and reduce their anxiety, says Shana Gadarian, professor and chair of political science . But many of the social media posts circulating this week aren’t helpful, she says, because they don’t include a specific solution. 

October 13, 2023

Public Voices Fellowship Supports Baobao Zhang’s AI Research

The Maxwell School faculty member will use the fellowship to engage the public on perceptions and governance of artificial intelligence.

October 11, 2023

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall