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Political Science News and Events

Council of Europe Agreement a ‘Gem of an Opportunity’ for Syracuse Students and Faculty

It adds internships for those studying in Strasbourg, France, as well as research opportunities for faculty and students interested in human rights, democracy and the rule of law. 

December 22, 2023

Dunaway Talks to PBS Newshour About the Decline of Local News and Its Impact on the US’ Civic Health

"National news, for all of its many benefits, it tends to frame politics in America through the lens of the major conflicts between the two parties. And for those Americans...who are only watching the national news, they often only get this sort of game-framed style coverage that's almost like sports reporting with Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other," says Johanna Dunaway, professor of political science.
December 22, 2023

Taylor Weighs In on President Putin’s Announcement That He Will Run Again in RFE/RL Article

"Everyone knew this was coming and the only questions were when and how exactly the announcement would be made," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "Usually, things like this don’t happen by accident in Russian politics," he says.
December 20, 2023

See related: Elections, Government, Russia

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall