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Political Science News and Events

Future Facing: Maxwell Scholars Respond to the Rapid Rise of AI and Autonomous Systems

Amid the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, Maxwell scholars are gathering critical data, designing policy and informing future leaders.

June 8, 2023

Reeher Comments on How to Solve Gun Violence Issues in Alabama Reflector Article

Grant Reeher, professor of political science, says no single law will solve the issues of gun violence. “You have to think very specifically about it,” Reeher says. “There is no one blanket policy that is going to say, ‘OK, this is going to reduce gun violence and it is going to apply equally to everybody.’ You have to think of the pockets and where the risk is.”

June 5, 2023

McDowell Quoted in DW Article on the Decline of the Dollar’s Dominance in the Middle East

"Statements are easy, action is more difficult," says Daniel McDowell, associate professor of political science. "For oil-producing states, like Saudi Arabia, these sorts of statements and agitations are also a way to get America's attention. Flirting with the Chinese may make American policymakers focus more attention on the interests of the Gulf states." 

June 1, 2023

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall