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Horace G. Campbell

Horace G. Campbell

Contact Information:

200 Sims Hall

Horace G. Campbell

Professor, Political Science Department

Professor, African American Studies


  • 2025 Spring
    • AAS 499 Honors Capstone Project
    • AAS 997 Master's Thesis
    • AAS/PSC 341 Politics of Africa
    • PAI 500 Selected Topics - Politics of Africa
    • AAS/SOC 410 Seminar on Social Change
  • 2024 Fall
    • AAS/PSC 364 African International Relations
    • AAS 997 Master's Thesis
    • PAI 600 Selected Topics - African Internat'l Relations
    • AAS 610 Seminar in Pan Africanism: Research and Reading
  • 2024 Summer
    • AAS 670 Experience Credit
  • 2024 Spring
    • AAS/PSC 341 Politics of Africa
    • PAI 500 Selected Topics - Politics of Africa
    • AAS/SOC 410 Seminar on Social Change
  • 2023 Fall
    • AAS/PSC 364 African International Relations
    • PAI 600 Selected Topics - African Internat'l Relations
    • AAS 610 Seminar in Pan Africanism: Research and Reading

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Sussex University, 1979

Research Interests

• Politics of Africa
• African International Relations
• China and Africa
• Pan Africanism and Revolution
• U.S. Foreign Policy and Militarism in Africa
• Reconstruction and Transformation in Africa

Selected Publications

  • Books
    • Campbell, H., Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya. Monthly Review Press, 2013.
    • Campbell, H., Barack Obama and 21st Century Politics: A Revolutionary Moment in the USA. Pluto Press, 2010.
    • Campbell, H., Worrell, R., Pan Africanism, Pan Africanists, and African Liberation in the 21st Century. New Academia Publishers, 2006.
    • Campbell, H., Reclaiming Zimbabwe: The Exhaustion of the Patriarchal Model of Liberation. David Phillip Publications (South Africa) and Africa World Press (NJ), 2003.
    • Campbell, H., "The UN and Genocide in Rwanda." Abdulai, N. (ed.) Genocide in Rwanda, 1994.
    • Campbell, H., "Contributions on Amilcar Cabral, Julius Nyerere, Pan Africanism and the Soweto Rebellion." In Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Krieger, J. (ed.) Oxford University Press, 1993.
    • Campbell, H., Stein, H., Tanzania and the IMF: The Dynamics of Liberalization. Westview Press, 1992.
    • Campbell, H., Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey To Walter Rodney. Africa World Press, 1987.
    • Campbell, H., Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey To Walter Rodney. Hansib Publishing Ltd., 1985.
    • Campbell, H., The Commandist State in Uganda. , 1979.
    • Campbell, H., Four Essays on Neo-Colonialism in Uganda. Afro-Carib Publications, 1975.
    • Campbell, H., Pan-Africanism. Afro-Carib Publications, 1975.
  • Journal Articles
    • Campbell, H., Africans and the New World Order. African Peace Research Institute.
    • Campbell, H., Kwayana, E., "Preface to the Morning After." In Seeing Through Terror: Caribbean Responses to 9/11 . Book Morning After.
    • Campbell, H., Some Thoughts on the Black Radical Congress: Humanizing the planet and transforming the systems of oppression to forms of human emancipation. .
    • Campbell, H., Zerai, A., "The Black Radical Congress and Black Feminist Organizing." Socialism and Democracy, 42.
    • Campbell, H., The Question of November: Black Radicals, Activists and the 2004 Elections. .
    • Campbell, H., "Walter Rodney and Progressive Scholars in the Dar es Salaam School." Social and Economic Studies.
    • Campbell, H., "Fighting Racism in the U.S. Military: Dismantling the United States Africa Command." The African Review, 2024.
    • Campbell, H., Maturation of the Bandung Project with Lessons from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). , 2023.
    • Campbell, H., Cuito Cuanavale and African Independence. Revisão linguística Mayamba Editora, 2021.
    • Campbell, H., "Pan Africanism and the Emancipatory Project for Global Africa." CODESRIA Bulletin, 2021.
    • Campbell, H., "African International Relations, Genocidal Histories and the Emancipatory Project. Part 1." Vestnik RUDN. International Relations 1_2020, 2020.
    • Campbell, H., "African International Relations, Genocidal Histories and the Emancipatory Project. Part 2." Vestnik RUDN. International Relations 2_2020, 2020.
    • Campbell, H., "The Journey of Wamba dia Wamba and the Struggles for Emancipatory Politics in Africa." Africa Development, 2020.
    • Campbell, H., "The Quagmire of US Militarism in Africa." Africa Development / Afrique et Development, 2020.
    • Campbell, H., "Saving Lake Chad and the Unification of Africa: Lessons from the International Conference to Save Lake Chad." Journal of African Foreign Affairs (JoAFA), 2020.
    • Campbell, H., "The War on Terror as a Business: Lessons from Kenya and the Somalia Interventions." African Review, 2020.
  • Book Chapters
    • Campbell, H., "Fiftieth Anniversary of Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa." In Goveia: Essays in Honour of a Pioneer in West Indian Historiography. Carter, H. (ed.) Ian Randal Publishers, 2024.
    • Campbell, H., "Nelson Mandela: Ubuntu and the Universalist spirit." In South Africa: Pages of History and Contemporary. Shubin, P., Zelenova, D. (eds.) , 2018.
    • Campbell, H., "The Pan African Experience: From The OAU to the African Union." In The Palgrave Handbook of African Colonial and Post-Colonial History. Falola, T., Shanguhyia, M. S. (eds.) , 2018.
    • Campbell, H., "Ali Mazrui: Transformative Education and Reparative Justice." In Critical Perspectives on Culture and Globalisation: The Intellectual Legacy of Ali Mazrui. Njogu, K. (ed.) African Book Collective, 2017.
    • Campbell, H., "The Challenges for Revolutionary Change in the Caribbean." In Grenada Revolution: Reflections and Lessons. Grenade, W. C. (ed.) University of Mississippi Press, 2015.
    • Campbell, H., "Ron Walters: Pan African and International Struggles for Social Justice." In What Has This Got to Do With the Liberation of Black People: The Impact and Influence of Ronald Walters on African American Thought and Leadership. Smith, R., Johnson, C. (eds.) Suny Press, 2013.
    • Campbell, H., "Africa’s Search for Renewal in the Age of Globalization." In Globalized Africa: Political, Social and Economic Impact. Ninsin, K. (ed.) Freedom Publications, 2012.
  • Book Reviews
    • Campbell, H., "Ethics and the Enterprise of Studying Africa." In The Study of Africa in the 21st Century. Zeleza, P. T. (ed.) CODESRIA Book Series.
    • Campbell, H., "Constructive Engagement? Chester Crocker and American Policy in South Africa, Namibia and Angola." International Journal of African History, 2008.
    • Campbell, H., "Regime Hegemony in Museveni's Uganda: Pax Musevenica." International Journal of African Historical Studies, 2007.
    • Campbell, H., Boyle, P., "Class Formation and Civil Society: The Politics of Education in Africa." Comparative Educational Review, 2000.
    • Campbell, H., Mars, P., "Ideology and Change: Transformation of the Caribbean Left." American Political Science Review, 2000.
    • Campbell, H., "Liberators, Entrepreneurs and Genocidaires in Africa." In Canadian Journal of African Studies. , 1999.
    • Campbell, H., "Asserting the Humanity of Africans." In Special issue on Human Rights in Africa. Journal of International Law and Commerce, 1999.
  • Monographs
    • Campbell, H., Homophobia in Zimbabwe and the Politics of Intolerance. African Association of Political Science.
    • Campbell, H., Reconstruction, Transformation and the Unification of the Peoples of Africa in the 1st Century: Rebuilding the Pan African Spirit of Kwame Nkrumah. , 2017.
    • Campbell, H., "The Lusaka Peace Agreement: Role of African Academics and Civil Society." The Nairobi Peace Initiative, 2002.
    • Campbell, H., Militarism, Warfare and the Search for Peace in Angola: The Contribution of Angolan Women. , 2001.
    • Campbell, H., The United States Security Doctrine and the African Crisis Response Initiative. , 2001.
    • Campbell, H., Humanitarianism, War and the Recolonisation of Angola. SAPES, 1997.
    • Campbell, H., "Water Resources Borders and Regional Co-operation in Southern Africa." Africa Research and Information Bureau pamphlet, 1997.
  • Newsletter
  • Online Writings

Presentations and Events

Maxwell School, Syracuse University, "US Military Apparatus and the 3034 elections" (October 30, 2024)

Syracuse University, "Specter of Fascism in the USA and the elections 2024" (October 24, 2024)

Mellon seminar, Cornell, History and architecture,  9/18 Culture and community: solidarity and competition, Cornell University (September 18, 2024)

Undergraduate Historical Society, Cornell, "The Specter of Fascism in the USA" (May 2, 2024)

SUNY-Wide Seminars on the Discipline of Africana Studies, State University of New York, "Global Africa, Africana Studies and the Emancipatory Project" (April 20, 2024)

Barbara Jordan Lecture, Penn State University, "Black Joy and the specter of fascism in the United States" (April 13, 2024)

Symposium, The Life and Work of Micere Mugo, Michigan State University, "Micere Mugo Maturing into Grassroots Pan Africanism and Progressive Pan African Feminism" (April 9, 2024)

Syracuse University, "U.S. Militarism and Genocidal Traditions: Lessons from Global Africa" (March 21, 2024)

University of Toronto, "Spectre of Fascism in the USA" (March 15, 2024)

Honors and Accolades

African Student Union Julius Nyerere Intellectual Role Model Award, Syracuse University (1999)

NAACP Award of Educator of the Year, Syracuse University (1992)

McGhill International Debating Champion (1969)