Robert Wilson
Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment Department
Senior Research Associate, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration
- 2025 Spring
- GEO 358 Animals and Society
- 2024 Fall
- GEO 103 Environment and Society
- ESP 400 Selected Topics - Environmental Humanities
- 2024 Spring
- GEO 354 American Environmental History and Geography
- GEO 605 Writing Geography
- 2023 Spring
- ESP 400/600 Selected Topics - Environmental Humanities
Highest degree earned
Areas of Expertise
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad", Sponsored by Department of Education.
Selected Publications
- Books
- Wilson, R. M., "Environmental History." In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Warf, B. (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Wilson, R. M., "Historical Geography." In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Warf, B. (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Wilson, R. M., Cronon, W., "Seeking Refuge: Birds and Landscapes of the Pacific Flyway." Science, American Scientist, Environmental History, Journal of Historical Geography, Pacific Historical Review, Agricultural History, Oregon Historical Quarterly and BC Studies, 2010.
- Journal Articles
- Wilson, R. M., "Imagining the Green New Deal." Environmental History.
- Wilson, R. M., "The Necessity of Activism." Solutions.
- Wilson, R. M., "Yellowstone and the Making of a New West Western." Montana: The Magazine of Western History , 2024.
- Wilson, R. M., "Relinquished." GeoHumanities, 2020.
- Wilson, R. M., "Authoritarian Environmental Governance: Insights from the Past Century." Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2019.
- Wilson, R. M., "Faces of the Climate Movement." Environmental History, 2017.
- Wilson, R. M., "Graeme Wynn, Historical Geography, and Environmental History." Historical Geography, 2015.
- Book Chapters
- Wilson, R. M., "Authoritarian Environmental Governance: Insights from the Past Century." In Environmental Governance in a Populist/Authoritarian Era. McCarthy, J. (ed.) Routledge, 2019.
- Wilson, R. M., "From Noble Stag to Suburban Vermin: The Fall and Rise of White-Tailed Deer in the Northeastern United States." In American Environment Revisited. Buckley, G., Youngs, Y. (eds.) Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
- Wilson, R. M., "Will the End of the World Be on the Final Exam? Emotions, Climate Change, and Teaching an Introductory Environmental Studies Course." In Teaching Climate Change in the Humanities. Siperstein, S., Hall, S. and LeMenager, S. (eds.) Routledge, 2016.
- Wilson, R. M., "Animals and the American Landscape." In North American Odyssey: Historical Geographies for the Twenty-First Century. Colten, C. E., Buckley, G. L. (eds.) Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
- Wilson, R. M., "Environmental Histories." In The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography. Johnson, N. C., Schein , R. H. and Winders, J. (eds.) Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
- Wilson, R. M., "Birds on the Home Front: Wildlife Conservation in the Western United States During World War II." In War and the Environment: Military Destruction in the Modern Age. Closmann, C. E. (ed.) exas A&M Press, 2009.
- Book Reviews
- Wilson, R. M., Greer, K. A., "Review - Greer, Red Coats and Wild Birds: How Military Ornithologists and Migrant Birds Shaped Empire." H-Environment Roundtable Reviews, 2021.
- Wilson, R. M., Nostrand, R. L., In The Making of America’s Culture Regions. Journal of Historical Geography, 2019.
- Wilson, R. M., In Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene. Oppermann, S., Iovino, S. (eds.) Environmental Ethics, 2018.
- Wilson, R. M., Dehler, G. J., In The Most Defiant Devil: William Temple Hornaday and His Controversial Crusade to Save American Wildlife. The AAG Review of Books, 2014.
- Wilson, R. M., Feldman, J., In A Storied Wilderness: Rewilding the Apostle Islands. Environmental History, 2013.
- Wilson, R. M., In A Companion to American Environmental History. Sackman, D. C. (ed.) Environmental History, 2012.
- Wilson, R. M., In The Borderlands of the American and Canadian Wests: Essays on Regional History of the Forty-ninth Parallel. Evans, S. (ed.) Environmental History, 2007.
- Editorial
- Wilson, R. M., "When it comes to wildfires, we’re all Westerners now." In The Hill. , 2023.
- Encyclopedia Entries
- Wilson, R. M., "Wildlife." Urbanik, J., Johnston, C. L. (eds.) Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence, 2017.
- Wilson, R. M., "Wildlife Management." Urbanik , J., Johnston, C. L. (eds.) Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence, 2017.
- Wilson, R. M., "Geography." Bronsan, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of American Environmental History, 2010.
- Wilson, R. M., "Lyndon B. Johnson." Krech III, S., Merchant, C. and McNeill, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, 2004.
- Essays
- Wilson, R. M., Benson, E., In Wired Wilderness: Technologies of Tracking and the Making of Modern Wildlife. H-Environment, 2013.
- Wilson, R. M., Worster, D., "Nature’s Prophet." In A Passion for Nature: The Life of John Muir. H-HistGeog, 2009.
- Wilson, R. M., "Supersize History." Journal of Historical Geography, 2005.
- Wilson, R. M., Thomas, Jr., W. L., In Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth in Environmental History. , 2005.
- Manuscripts
- Wilson, R. M., "The American West as Unlivable Space: Hope, Despair, and Adaptation in an Era of Climate Chaos." In Wallace Stegner's Unsettled Country Ruin, Realism, and Possibility in the American West. Fiege, M., Childers, L. C. and Lansing, M. (eds.) University of Nebraska Press, 2024.
- Wilson, R. M., "Writing Geography: Teaching Research Writing and Storytelling the Discipline." In Environment and Planning A: Society and Space. , 2022.
- Newspaper Articles
- Wilson, R. M., "Klamath’s Federal Agencies Map Different Realities." High Country News, 2001.
- Wilson, R. M., Kittredge, W., Blake, T. A. and Blake, . G., In Balancing Water: Restoring the Klamath Basin. High Country News, 2000.
- Wilson, R. M., "Fires Illuminate West’s Ecological Darkness." High Country News, 1994.
Presentations and Events
Western History Association Conference, "Sandia: A Mountain, a Family, and the Climate Crisis" (October 26, 2024)
Teaching Ecology, Climate, and Environmental Justice at Syracuse University: A Humanitises-driven Interdisciplinary Summit, SU Humanities Center, "Narrating Climate Governance Through Climate Fiction" (May 17, 2024)
Colloquium Series, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, "Sandia: A Mountain, a Family, and the Climate Crisis" (March 8, 2024 - March 8, 2024)
Geographers Confront the Climate Crisis: Science, Policy, and Panel, "Wildfire, Climate Change, and Frontline Communities" (November 30, 2023)
colloquium, Department of Geography, University Nevada-Reno, "Sandia: A Mountain, a Family, and the Climate Crisis" (November 1, 2023)
MES/MESci Speaker Series, Nippissing University, "Sandia: A Mountain, a Family, and the Climate Crisis" (October 11, 2023)
Western History Association Annual Conference, "Ruin, Realism, and Repair: Wallace Stegner and the Overlapping Crises of the Twenty-First-Century North American West" (October, 2023)
BlackRock, Inc. , "Storytelling for Business" (July 25, 2023)
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, "Sandia: A Mountain, a Family, and the Climate Crisis" (April, 2023)
Geography Perspectives, Department of Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University, "Evolution, Covid-19, and the Future of Environment-Society Geography" (October, 2020)
Previous Teaching Appointments
Professor, Department of Geography, Syracuse University (2011-present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Syracuse University (2005-2011)
Visiting Appointments
Fellow, Rachel Carson Center, Munich, Germany,
Scholar, Bill Lane Center for the American West, Stanford
University (2008-2009)
NSF Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of History and
Montana State University-Bozeman (2004-2005)