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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Van Slyke Talks to GovExec Daily about Public-Private Partnerships

As Congress continues to negotiate an infrastructure bill, the role of public-private partnerships are key in the bill’s provisions. With the success of Operation Warp Speed in the development of the COVID-19 vaccines, a new look at such partnerships is due. Dean David M. Van Slyke discusses paths to innovation and cooperation on the GovExec Daily podcast episode, "The Import and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships."
November 4, 2021

Faricy Discusses Syracuse Mayoral Race With CNY Central

Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science, is included in the CNY Central article, "Election Day is Tuesday, here's what's at stake in the marquee race to lead Syracuse."
November 2, 2021

Maxwell supports local government at ICMA conference

Student, faculty and alumni participation at the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) conference in early October highlights the Maxwell School's continued and strengthened focus on training for and collaborating with state and local governments.
October 27, 2021

See related: State & Local

Winders Served on Panel Advising FAA Policy on Small, Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Professor Jamie Winders was one of five panelists on a Congressionally mandated report exploring the policies and procedures related to the registration of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
October 25, 2021

Zhu paper on the effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes published in Econ of Edu Review

Maria Zhu
Zhu paper on the effects of adjunct instructors on student outcomes published in Econ of Edu Review
October 22, 2021

Couple’s Gift Seeks to Ease the Burden of First-Generation Students

Kenneth ’80 and Mindy Sosne ’81 have pledged $100,000 to establish an endowed scholarship at their alma mater. The Kenneth and Mindy Sosne Scholarship will be awarded to first-generation students at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. “We’ve made a path for ourselves, professionally and financially, and now we want to give back,” says Mindy. “We want to make others’ lives easier.”
October 22, 2021

See related: Giving

Grant Reeher Discusses Inflation and Supply Disruption in Washington Examiner

Professor Grant Reeher was quoted in the Washington Examiner article, "Why is White House painting inflation and supply disruption as minor problems?"
October 21, 2021

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