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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Grant Reeher quoted in Eagle Tribune article on 9/11 attacks

Professor Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says the U.S. has fallen very short of attaining the civic hopes the 9/11 attacks generated.

September 10, 2021

Jacobson reflects on 9/11 on Profiles in Public Service podcast, ABC

Ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Mark Jacobson, assistant dean for Washington Programs, spoke with ABC Radio about how the attacks changed the course of the 21st century. Jacobson also discussed how public servants stepped up in the aftermath on the Profiles in Public Service podcast.
September 10, 2021

Maxwell professor reflects on US policy in Middle East post-9/11

As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11, SU News reached out to professor and Middle East expert Osamah Khalil to answer this fundamental question: How effective was America’s post-9/11 strategy in the Middle East? Read Khalil's full response via the SU News website.
September 10, 2021

Humphrey Fellows Kick Off Syracuse Experience

During orientation in early August, 11 Maxwell Humphrey Fellows from nine countries broke into small groups to get to know each other. Activities that build relationships and other orientation events set the stage for the 2021-22 cohort’s 10-month program of professional development, academic study and cultural exchange at Syracuse University.
September 10, 2021

See related: Student Experience

Maxwell School Announces New Chairs, Faculty

The Maxwell School welcomes several new faculty members and announces the appointment of four department chairs.
September 9, 2021

AP Article: Popp Weighs in on Biden's Proposed Civilian Climate Corps

David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs, was quoted in the Associated Press article, "Biden, Dems push Civilian Climate Corps in echo of New Deal."
September 9, 2021

O'Keefe featured in CNN article on how 9/11 changed travel

University Professor O'Keefe, who was deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget during the George W. Bush administration, says that September morning in 2001 "flipped the switch right away from almost non-existent security to unbelievable, in-your-face, all the time."
September 8, 2021

Gueorguiev quoted in Financial Times article on China's techno-authoritarian state

Dimitar Gueorguiev, associate professor of political science, says the digital technologies deployed by Beijing have helped it keep tabs on popular sentiment and needs. He's quoted in the Financial Times article, "China and Big Tech: Xi’s blueprint for a digital dictatorship."
September 7, 2021

See related: China

Jacobson speaks with HuffPost, VOA, Washington Post about evacuations in Afghanistan

Maxwell's Assistant Dean of Washington Programs Mark Jacobson discusses the failures of the evacuations from Afghanistan with HuffPost, Voice of America and the Washington Post.
September 3, 2021

Williams discusses impact of Afghanistan withdrawal on NATO in Atlantic Council blog

"Why the US failure in Afghanistan won’t break NATO," authored by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Michael John Williams, was published in the Atlantic Council's New Atlanticist blog.
September 3, 2021

See related: Afghanistan, NATO

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