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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Murphy receives 2021 Daniel Patrick Moynihan junior faculty award

Tessa Murphy, assistant professor of history, is this year’s recipient of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Award for Teaching and Research. The award will be presented at the Maxwell School’s virtual Graduate Convocation on Saturday, May 22. As this year’s Moynihan Award winner, Murphy will be the featured speaker at Convocation.
May 3, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Maxwell Students Named 2021-22 Remembrance Scholars

The scholarships were founded as a tribute to—and means of remembering—the 35 students who were killed in the Dec. 21, 1988, bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
May 3, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Elizabeth Cohen discusses immigration policy in 2021 in AlterNet piece

"From a failure to rescind the former president's Title 42, causing almost all recent asylum-seekers to be expelled from the U.S., to President Biden's equivocation on the 2021 refugee cap, it's almost impossible to find good news about immigration policy in 2021," writes Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science.
April 30, 2021

Burman piece on Biden's capital gains tax proposal published in Forbes

 "This [proposal] is a significant reform that would close loopholes that fuel inefficient tax sheltering and make the income tax more progressive, and help pay for some of Biden’s domestic policy wish list," writes Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. 
April 30, 2021

See related: Federal, Taxation, United States

CNY Diaper Bank Data Collection System

The Maxwell X Lab partnered with the CNY Diaper bank to improve the organization’s data collection process.
April 29, 2021

Heflin featured in The Well article on material hardship, COVID-19

A recent Urban Institute survey found that compared with adults whose family employment was unaffected by the pandemic, families who lost jobs during the pandemic were twice as likely to report food insecurity, and nearly three times as likely to report problems paying utility bills, and nearly four times as likely to report problems paying rent or mortgage.
April 28, 2021

Banks comments on President Bush's handling of 9/11 attacks in South China Morning Post

"Bush and many others overreacted to 9/11," says Professor Emeritus William Banks. "I blame him and especially (vice-president) Dick Cheney and then (defense secretary) Donald Rumsfeld for the reckless policies," he says. But Bush was "never nativist," and his recent efforts on immigration are not a "whitewashing" of history but appear to be a genuine effort at problem-solving, Banks adds. 
April 28, 2021

Shana Gadarian Earns Prestigious Carnegie Fellowship

Gadarian is the third Maxwell faculty member to earn the award in the past four years.
April 28, 2021

History Undergrads Participate in 2021 Phi Alpha Theta Conference

The 2021 Western/Central New York Phi Alpha Theta Conference featured five Syracuse students and a recent graduate.
April 28, 2021

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