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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Maxwell alumna joins CenterState CEO

In her new role, Honora Spillane '09 J.D./M.P.A. will work on CenterState CEO’s business development portfolio. CenterState CEO is a nonprofit based in Syracuse that focuses on connecting businesses across Central and Northern New York.

September 25, 2019

Khalil discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in USA Today

"The most the Israelis are willing to offer does not meet the minimum demands of the Palestinians. This includes a viable, independent state with sovereignty over its borders and resources," says Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history.

September 23, 2019

PSc PhD students publish op-ed on the Brexit battle in Washington Post

Claire Sigsworth and Nathan Carrington, Ph.D. students in political science, suggest that the overall legitimacy of Britain’s highest court will remain intact.

September 23, 2019

See related: Government, Law

Harrington Meyer discusses intensive grandparenting in Christian Science Monitor article

"Historically, grandparents have always provided care," says University Professor Madonna Harrington Meyer. "What we’re seeing now is grandparents providing care that looks a lot more like parenting: more hours and more tasks."

September 20, 2019

Lovely quoted in McClatchy article on impact of USMCA on auto prices

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, says "the effect of the agreement is going to be swamped by whatever happens next with the economy," about the trade deal.

September 20, 2019

SoldierStrong donation to VA hospital to help veterans battling PTSD

A unique arrangement between Syracuse University, the Syracuse Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and SoldierStrong has resulted in the donation of a groundbreaking virtual reality system to treat veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress. SoldierStrong co-founder Chris Meek '92 B.A. (Econ/PSc)/'18 E.M.P.A. says "it is both clinically effective and it reduces the stigma that many service members feel about seeking treatment for their post-traumatic stress," of the effectiveness of virtual reality treatment. 

September 19, 2019

See related: Giving, Veterans

Yinger comments on NY property assessments in article

"New York is all over the place,’" says John Yinger, Trustee Professor of Economics and Public Administration and International Affairs. "It has one of the craziest [property assessment] systems in the country."

September 18, 2019

White quoted in NY Post article on Warren's segregationist gaffe

"Regarding [Elizabeth] Warren’s use of [Frances] Perkins in her speech tonight: I just want to note that this [Perkins' opposition to the Brown v. Board of Education verdict] is something Perkins said near the end of her life, was buried in an extremely long academic oral history interview, and isn’t really public knowledge," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

September 18, 2019

Popp article on climate policy published in Newsweek

David Popp's article on the Carbon Tax and climate policy was published in Newsweek. "Climate policy requires a two-pronged approach to foster the development of the next generation of clean energy technology," writes Popp.
September 18, 2019

Maxwell alumnus moves to Arizona State University

Lei Duan ‘13 M.A. (Hist)/’17 Ph.D. (Hist) has accepted a position as a lecturer in the School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies at Arizona State University.

September 17, 2019

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