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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Monnat study on rural COVID-19 mortality rates published in the Journal of Rural Health

Kent Jason G. Cheng, Yue Sun & Shannon M. Monnat
September 14, 2020

See related: COVID-19, State & Local

Allport discusses his forthcoming book with BBC History Extra

Alan Allport, associate professor of history, was interviewed for a two-part feature on History Extra, the BBC's History podcast, about his forthcoming book "Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941" (Penguin Random House, November 2020). 

September 11, 2020

See related: Europe

Li study on receipt of home health care among older adults published

Jun Li, Mingyu Qi & Rachel M. Werner
September 11, 2020

See related: State & Local

Bendix speaks to Associated Press, Bloomberg about the California wildfires

"Climate change makes everything worse," says Jacob Bendix, professor of geography and the environment. "Efforts to manage fire risks "will be of limited use as long as the climate is getting warmer and in many cases getting drier."

September 10, 2020

Lovely quoted in Reuters article on how Biden will handle tariffs

"It’s unclear how [President Biden] will balance these different competing forces," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely, about the different parties with a vested interest in Trump's China tariffs, such as labor unions, farmers and climate activists.

September 9, 2020

Reeher comments on political hyperbole in USA Today

Professor Grant Reeher says that Trump's exaggerations of labeling Democrats as socialists and radicals are having little impact, and that, "after four years, voters are used to the hyperbole."

September 8, 2020

Van Slyke keynotes Oxford conference on social impact

Dean David Van Slyke delivered the keynote address at the Blavatnik School of Government's Government Outcomes Lab 2020 Social Outcomes Conference at Oxford University. 
September 4, 2020

See related: Awards & Honors, Government

Scholars join faculty for 2020-21; new chairs announced

Five tenure-track faculty members have joined the Maxwell School for the 2020-21 academic year. In addition, three current faculty members have been named chairs of their academic departments.
September 2, 2020

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