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Estevez-Abe explains Japan's success with coronavirus in Newsweek

July 17, 2020


Margarita Abe Estevez

Margarita Estévez-Abe

According to Margarita Estevez-Abe, associate professor of political science, one of the keys to Japan's success is being able to control the spread of infections in facilities for the elderly. "From an international comparison, it can be seen that Japan's nursing-related administration and nursing homes started corona countermeasures at a very early stage," she says. "People in institutions for the elderly are at very high risk, such as having chronic illness. Whether or not this group can be protected well is the basis of corona countermeasures."  Her article, "Factors behind unknown success in Japan's corona countermeasures — Nursing facilities," was published in Newsweek (Japan). 07/17/20

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