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Jok discusses South Sudan's latest peace deal with Al Jazeera

February 25, 2020

Al Jazeera

Jok Madut Jok

Jok Madut Jok

"Peace is finally here." That was the promise from South Sudan's President Salva Kiir after signing the latest power-sharing agreement with his rival, opposition leader Riek Machar who was, once again, sworn in as vice president. After two similar agreements collapsed, have Kiir and Machar finally got it right? Professor Jok Madut Jok weighs in on Al Jazeera's "Inside Story."

He also offers his opinion on the peace deal in his article, "A band aid approach to peace will not save South Sudan," published in Daily Nation, and on the Global Dispatches podcast titled "A Peace Agreement Ends South Sudan's Brutal Civil War. Will it Hold?


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