Lerner Center Awarded Grant to Train Healthcare Providers on Plans of Safe Care for Babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
February 13, 2020
The Lerner Center was awarded a grant by the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation for their project: “Implementing and Evaluating the Efficacy of a New Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Plan of Safe Care.” The project aims to increase health provider education surrounding the successful development of Plans of Safe Care (POSC) for mothers with addiction and babies who were exposed to opioids prior to birth. The project has two components: 1) Develop and provide educational workshops that will target healthcare providers most likely to work with mothers in need of developing a plan of safe care, including clinicians, therapists/counselors, social workers, community health works, and addiction treatment specialists. The workshops will educate these individuals on the legal mandates of POSC, how to appropriately and thoroughly develop a plan, and guide them toward referrals sources, and 2) collect hospital level data related to the implementation of POSC and analyze the fidelity with which they are being completed. This will allow partner agencies and hospitals across Onondaga County and New York State to develop policies and practices that best meet the needs of women, babies, and their families. Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion is the Principal Investigator. Alexandra Punch, the Associate Director of the Lerner Center, is a Co-Investigator on this project.
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