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Lerner Faculty Affiliate Dessa Bergen-Cico writes op-ed for on the Legalization of Marijuana in NYS

April 5, 2021

Dessa Bergen-Cico headshot

Dessa Bergen-Cico

Dr. Dessa Bergen-Cico is a Professor in the Department of Public Health, Coordinator of the Addiction Studies program and faculty in the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program at Syracuse University.

In her op-ed titled, Has marijuana changed or have we? she says, "I am hopeful that this new legislation will represent a shift for the state and the country toward sensible, evidence-based policies and away from wasteful efforts to criminalize and control behavior that has continued despite the illegal status of marijuana. Our goal is for people to be safe, to minimize risks, and to live in an honest, open, equitable, and free society. I believe this legislation does a good job of moving us toward this goal."

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