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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: The Hill

Murrett Piece on the Implications of the War in Ukraine Published in The Hill

"The current fight and lasting implications of the war in Ukraine," written by Professor of Practice Robert Murrett, was published in The Hill. 

May 2, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Reeher Weighs in on WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s Move to MSNBC in The Hill

Professor Grant Reeher spoke to The Hill about White House press secretary Jen Psaki's move to MSNBC.

April 12, 2022

Reeher Quoted in The Hill Article on Stacy Abrams Mask-Free Photo

Stacey Abrams, a Democratic icon who is making her second bid to become governor of Georgia, is caught in a deepening storm after a photograph of her without a mask amid a group of masked schoolchildren was posted on Twitter (the tweet has since been deleted).
February 8, 2022

See related: COVID-19

Reeher Discusses Rep. Katko's Retirement With The Hill, WRVO

Rep. John Katko (R-NY 24th District) announced his retirement last week, creating an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a seat. But some experts warn that nominating someone who is too far to the left could turn off moderate voters, such as those who voted for both Biden and Katko in 2020.
January 20, 2022

O'Keefe discusses Richard Branson's space flight with CNBC, The Hill

University Professor Sean O’Keefe, former NASA administrator, joined CNBC's Worldwide Exchange to discuss the space flight, and what it means for the billionaire and for the world. O'Keefe also wrote a piece, "Richard Branson's space flight changes the way we look at space," that was published in The Hill. 
July 12, 2021

See related: Europe, Space Exploration

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