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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: The Nation

Ueda-Ballmer Weighs In on Japan’s Mental Health Crisis, Gender Inequality in The Nation Article

“Suicide was always a men’s issue,” says Michiko Ueda-Ballmer, associate professor of public administration and international affairs. During the pandemic, “suddenly, women’s suffering became visible.” For the first time, “the government was forced to confront an approach to suicide prevention that had previously focused exclusively on middle-aged men.” 

July 20, 2023

Huber Discusses His New Book, “Climate Change as Class War,” in The Nation

Matther Huber, professor of geography and the environment, discussed his new book, "Climate Change as Class War," in The Nation article, "The Green Transition Must Be Union-Powered."

June 14, 2022

White discusses the importance of Georgia runoff elections in The Nation

Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White notes, "If Democrats win the two Senate races in Georgia, their odds of being able to pass the legislation in their platform [go] up dramatically."

November 9, 2020

Faulkner quoted in The Nation piece on origins of the American boycott

Lucretia Mott, a feminist activist who was involved in the slavery abolition movement, believed that "you have to change the way people think and feel about slavery, not the way that they vote" analyzes Carol Faulkner, associate dean and professor of history. 

August 15, 2019

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