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In the News: Brian Taylor

Maxwell at 100: Expanding Views of Citizenship and a Wider World View

The Maxwell School has evolved to meet the needs of an increasingly interconnected world while continuing its focus on citizenship. 

June 13, 2024

Taylor Discusses the Impact of Ukraine Using Western Weapons Against Russia With Fox News, La Presse

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that the authorization given by the U.S. and Germany to Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil with weapons they supply could have an impact on the balance of power on Ukrainian territory.

June 11, 2024

Taylor Talks to the Associated Press, Wall Street Journal About Putin’s Fifth Term

“The war in Ukraine is central to his current political project, and I don’t see anything to suggest that that will change. And that affects everything else,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

May 10, 2024

Taylor Discusses ‘Trump 2.0’ With the Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says a key feature of Trump 2.0 would likely be that the president would not have as many Russia-sceptics in his sphere. "If Trump is elected in 2024, he will surround himself with people who adhere to his worldview and are therefore less hostile to Russia and more sympathetic to Putin."

April 22, 2024

Taylor Provides an Update on Russia's War with Ukraine on Campbell Conversations

“In general, not a huge amount of change,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. “Russia is on the front foot now because Ukraine is running out of ammunition, especially artillery. And this has to do with the hold up on the U.S. military assistance package in the U.S. Congress over the last half year.”

March 30, 2024

Taylor Discusses Putin and Russia’s Presidential Election With CBS News, Newsweek, Al Jazeera

“Really, we have 24 years of watching Putin build an increasingly repressive, authoritarian state. So the main purpose of elections like this in an authoritarian country is to show everyone that Putin is forever, there is no alternative to Putin, there's no point in resisting his state,” says Brian Taylor, director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

March 18, 2024

Taylor Speaks With Fox, Newsweek, WWL Radio About the Ongoing War in Ukraine

"I thought the Russian invasion two years ago would have been more successful. I thought Russia would have managed to seize and hold more territory than they did. ...That’s because Russia fought worse than I thought they would and Ukraine has fought much better," says Brian Taylor, director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

February 27, 2024

Taylor Speaks With Forbes and WABC About the Death of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

"We don’t know every detail about the circumstances of his death today, but it is 100 percent fair to say that Alexei Navalny was killed by Vladimir Putin and the Russian state," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

February 21, 2024

Taylor Quoted in La Presse Article on a Clash Between NATO and Russia

"He [Putin] could get drunk on his success, conclude that the West is just a paper tiger and decide to push further to see what happens," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

February 10, 2024

New Carnegie-Maxwell Policy Planning Lab Launches Foreign Affairs Training Program

International relations professionals may apply for the first-of-its-kind program supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

February 1, 2024

Taylor Comments on Declining Human Rights in Russia in Forbes Article

“Russia doesn't have real elections most of all because it's basically illegal to be an opposition politician or activist or independent journalist anymore, not just because of manipulating rules at election time,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.

January 30, 2024

Taylor Weighs In on President Putin’s Announcement That He Will Run Again in RFE/RL Article

"Everyone knew this was coming and the only questions were when and how exactly the announcement would be made," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "Usually, things like this don’t happen by accident in Russian politics," he says.
December 20, 2023

See related: Elections, Government, Russia

Ukrainian Students Find Refuge in a Community with a History of Supporting Those Impacted by War

Nearly two years after the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukrainian students find refuge in a community of scholars with a long history of supporting those impacted by war.

December 13, 2023

‘We Left Everything Because Life was More Precious,’ says Visiting Scholar from Ukraine

Since fleeing Kyiv at the start of the Russian invasion, Tetiana Hranchak has found community and continued her work in the Maxwell School.

November 13, 2023

Taylor Speaks with CBC News, International Business Times About the Prigozhin Plane Crash

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that he believes Prigozhin is dead and he agrees with Biden. "Putin made clear at the time he saw the mutiny as 'treason' and 'a stab in the back,' which he was unlikely to forget or forgive," he says.

September 1, 2023

Taylor Discusses the Wagner Group, Russian President Putin with Business Insider, DW and Newsweek

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that the mutiny fallout has put Putin in a position he's neither familiar nor comfortable with—often using his pulpit to blast political enemies, both inside and outside of Moscow. "Now he's applying that very same language to one of his own guys, someone he elevated to a position of power and responsibility," Taylor says.

July 7, 2023

Taylor Discusses Putin and the Wagner Group's Mutiny with Forbes, Newsweek, Reuters, Vox

"I think Putin emerges from this significantly weakened," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "I think if you're a member of the Russian elite or are in fact a member of the Russian population, you're going to look at this and think, 'Wow, a private army just drove on Moscow for most of the day. No one stopped them and they're allowed to leave and no real consequences.'"

June 26, 2023

Taylor Discusses Wagner Group Leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on Slate Podcast

"He’s [Prigozhin] clearly trying to draw a sharp contrast between his presence directly on the battlefield, his engagement with his soldiers, and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, which he frequently attacks as being out of touch elitists who are damaging the war effort," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.

June 19, 2023

Taylor Quoted in Vox Article on Russian Paramilitary Network the Wagner Group

“Wagner was a very useful stopgap in that period between when [Russia] had so many of their regular forces attrited and Putin came around to the realization that he had no choice but to bring in hundreds of thousands of more people. That may, in some sense, prove to be that Wagner is at its sort of height of influence,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.

March 27, 2023

Putin’s War of Recolonization

Renée de Nevers, Brian Taylor

"Putin’s War of Recolonization," co-authored by Maxwell professors Renée de Nevers and Brian Taylor, was published in the Journal of Democracy.

March 23, 2023
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