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Reeher quoted in The Hill article on increasing polarization, COVID-19

The polarization of American life had been going on for years before Trump was even a political figure, says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. But, "what is different now [the COVID-19 pandemic], and what gives this a sharper edge is the fact that emotions are running so high."

May 19, 2020

Gadarian research on partisanship, COVID-19 cited in LA Times, Slate

 75% of Democrats and 53% of Republicans said they wore masks in public, finds a study conducted by Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, and her colleagues.

May 19, 2020

Rothbart recommends a new GI Bill for COVID-19 workers in The Hill

"This will help veterans of the COVID-19 crisis recover from their combat and will reflect well on how we treat our battle-tested heroes," writes Michah Rothbart, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, about the need for a new GI Bill.

May 18, 2020

Nabatchi quoted in Washington Post article on American bureaucracy

"Every candidate has campaigned on a bureaucracy-bashing theme," says Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration. "That message has gotten through to affect people’s confidence in government."

May 18, 2020

See related: Government, United States

Castro named McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence

A. Peter Castro, professor of anthropology, has been named a Robert D. McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence. The McClure Professorship is awarded to members of the Maxwell faculty in recognition of their dedication to teaching lower-division, interdisciplinary courses for undergraduates
May 15, 2020

Dean Van Slyke appointed by US Secretary of Defense to Defense Business Board task force

"Having the opportunity to study, deliberate, and formulate best business practices for running the largest government agency in the world with a group of talented CEOs and committed public servants will advance my own thinking and the expertise I bring to my students in the classroom," says Maxwell Dean David M. Van Slyke about his appointment.

May 15, 2020

Maxwell faculty and students honored with 2020 One University awards

Syracuse University announced its 2020 One University Awards, honoring members of the University community for their scholarship, teaching, academic achievement, leadership and service. The following Maxwell faculty member and students were among the honorees:
May 14, 2020

See related: Awards & Honors

Senior Kara Foley wins top undergraduate research prize

Kara Foley, a senior majoring in international relations and policy studies, won the Maxwell School’s annual Ben and Marcia Baldanza Prize for top undergraduate research paper, as part of the School’s annual efforts to recognize exemplary undergraduate research. 
May 13, 2020

Maxwell students selected as 2020-21 Remembrance Scholars

The Syracuse University’s Remembrance Scholarship, now in its 31st year, was founded as a tribute to—and means of remembering—the 35 students who were killed in the Dec. 21, 1988, bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. The scholarships are funded through an endowment supported by gifts from alumni, friends, parents and corporations.

May 13, 2020

See related: Awards & Honors

Meyer interviewed for New York Times article about the impacts of COVID-19 on grandparents

Grandparents who are providing child care during the pandemic can see tremendous benefits—more physical activity, a healthy emotional life, more socializing—but the additional stressors can also lead to burnout. “It’s simultaneously wonderful and too much,” says University Professor Madonna Harrington Meyer.

May 13, 2020

Flores-Lagunes gives advice to 2020 graduates in

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics, says that graduate school is generally a smart option for students graduating during an economic downturn, provided they balance the added debt with demand for jobs in their desired profession. He added that students should look for programs that help them build connections and network with future employers. 

May 12, 2020

Steinberg oped urges US-China cooperation to combat COVID19

James Steinberg, University Professor of Social Science, International Affairs and Law and former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, urges the United States and China to work together in his op-ed for Nikkei Asian Review “China and U.S. must cooperate to lead world out of coronavirus danger.” 

May 12, 2020

Let Them Eat Lunch: The Impact of Universal Free Meals on Student Performance

Amy Ellen Schwartz , Michah W. Rothbart

Children need healthy and balanced meals to perform well in school. Universal Free Meal programs improve English and Math test scores and may even reduce obesity among middle school students. District and school leaders nationwide should consider adopting this program.

May 12, 2020

Thompson talks with Spectrum on impact of Reade allegation, election

"As disturbing as these allegations against Vice President Biden are, similar allegations have been made against President Trump... I think [voting for Biden is] a legitimate choice to make that does not negate the possibility that Tara Reade is telling the truth," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.

May 11, 2020

Gadarian discusses partisan divide around COVID-19 with Christian Science Monitor

“People are taking their cues from political leadership and from doctors, and to the extent that those are different, people will turn to their more trusted sources,” says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science.

May 11, 2020

Rosenthal paper on employment density and agglomeration economies published in RS&UE

Crocker H. Liu, Stuart S. Rosenthal & William C. Strange
May 10, 2020

Gray named vice president at Raytheon Intelligence & Space

In his new role, Tracey Gray ’02 M.P.A. is responsible for brand communications, public relations, digital media, employee communications and public affairs. His work helps support the company’s work in advanced sensors, training, and cyber and software solutions.

May 6, 2020
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