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How to Lie with Maps, 3rd Edition

Mark Monmonier
December 31, 2018

See related: Maps

New Dimensions in Spirituality, Religion and Aging

Merril Silverstein
December 31, 2018

See related: Aging, Religion

PARCC scholars collaborate on new book on conflict

Catherine M. Gerard and Louis Kriesberg
December 31, 2018

The Code of Putinism

Brian Taylor
December 31, 2018

See related: Russia

Resisting Occupation in Kashmir

Mona Bhan
December 31, 2018

See related: India

Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics

Dennis C. Rasmussen
December 31, 2018

Wasylenko cited in article on economic development

Michael Wasylenko, Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Economics, recently spoke at the Citizens Budget Commission conference on economic issues facing New York state. According to him, whose statements were featured on the article, stated that economic development programs require sustained support with horizons of 20 years


December 20, 2018

Lovely comments on impact of US-China dispute on the World Bank in Financial Times

"It’s not going to put any of these banks in a good place to have these two big countries duking it out in the midst of their lending programmes," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

December 20, 2018

Sezgin quoted in Washington Times article on Shariah law, Greek courts

"For a long time, it was in the interests of the Greek government to maintain Shariah for the Turkish-speaking minority because it emphasized their religious identity more than their ethnic and linguistic [Turkish] identity,” says Yüksel Sezgin, associate professor of political science.

December 19, 2018

Huber speaks to Motherboard about the Yellow Vest protests in France

"The people who are resistant to climate policies on the right constantly argue that the reasons we can’t do climate policies is it’s gonna cost the economy, and it’s gonna cost families, and it’s gonna cost everyday people," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography. "So when we propose these policies that have the words ‘taxes’ in them and ‘fees,’ and talk about internalizing costs into the market, we just fall into that right wing trap that argues that that’s exactly what we’re trying to do." Read more in the Motherboard article "The Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Show the Flaws of Capitalism." 12/17/18
December 17, 2018

See related: Climate Change

Lovely weighs in on China's trade surplus with US in Business Insider

According to Mary Lovely, professor of economics, the decline in imports subject to tariffs could also be due to a slowdown in frontloading, or companies rushing orders to avoid duties.

December 13, 2018

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