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The Rhetoric and the Reality of Health Care Reform Legislation

Marilyn Moon
Here the author focuses on five areas where rhetoric confused the Clinton Administration's failed health care reform debate, and compares them with the underlying realities of health care reform.
June 30, 1995

Opening Doors: How to Cut Discrimination by Supporting Neighborhood Integration

John Yinger
The recent tremendous progress made in the enforcement of fair housing and fair lending legislation are commendable. These efforts may fall short of the mark, however, because they are likely to have little impact on one of the principal sources of discrimination by real estate brokers and landlords, namely residential segregation.
January 31, 1995

Pseudocapitalism and the Overpoliticized State

S. N. Sangmpam
December 31, 1994

Struggling with Destiny in Karimpur, 1925-1984

Susan Snow Wadley
December 31, 1994

National Security Law and the Power of the Purse

William C. Banks
December 31, 1994

Social Security Reform - Reducing Older Women's Disproportional Risk of Poverty

Richard V. Burkhauser & Timothy M. Smeeding
October 31, 1994

Foreign Investment in the United States

Jan Ondrich and Michael J. Wasylenko
December 31, 1993

Tanzania and the IMF: The Dynamics of Liberalization

Horace G. Campbell

This volume examines Tanzania's 1986 policy reversal, in regards to the IMF, in the context of economic, political and social changes.

December 31, 1992

See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan)

Regulating Covert Action

The Hon. James E. Baker
December 31, 1992

Communications and Media Relations Office
200 Eggers Hall