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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Federal

Monmonier quoted in National Parks article on renaming landmarks

"With a name that has been around for quite some time, the likelihood of getting it changed is not that great," says Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of Geography.

July 9, 2019

See related: Federal, Maps, United States

Lovely discusses possible outcomes of Trump-Xi meeting on Bloomberg

"We're looking at politics here so he [President Trump] may be looking for some gigantic sign that he has won, that he as somehow brought the Chinese to the table in a way that no one else could," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "And I think that's where the danger lies because that's what the Chinese are not going to want to give him."

June 26, 2019


In the Indian Health Service, Jennifer Cooper helps assure that programs benefit from local control.
June 21, 2019

Banks weighs in on Trump accepting foreign help during campaign in Associated Press

According to William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, information received from a foreign entity could be a little murky under the law, but if someone determined the information was of value, it would be unlawful.

June 17, 2019

Banks speaks with Bloomberg about AG Barr's feud with Democrats

Professor William Banks was interviewed on the tension between House Democrats and Attorney General William Barr, over Trumps decision to assert executive privilege over an unredacted version of the Mueller report.
May 13, 2019

Nabatchi discusses volume, administration of FOIA requests in Federal News Network

 According to Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration, the ratio between workforce and number of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests appears difficult to manage.

March 22, 2019

See related: Congress, Federal, United States

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