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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Federal

Faricy piece on Biden's American Rescue Plan published in The Hill

"Our recent analysis of public opinion about people’s attitudes toward government assistance shows that Democrats can gain the support of conservative voters for assistance to the poor through smart policy design. And there is no better example than the American Rescue Plan (ARP)," Associate Professor of Political Science Chris Faricy and Christopher Ellis (Bucknell University) write.
March 15, 2021

Keck quoted in Christian Science Monitor article on the impeachment process

"What I would emphasize is that there are structural problems with our democracy, some of which are really hard to fix, but some of which have emerged recently which there are fixes for," says Thomas Keck, professor of political science and Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics.
February 18, 2021

See related: Federal, SCOTUS, United States

Michelmore quoted in BBC News article on US monthly child benefit

"There's just a lot of kids that don't get the credit," says Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs. 
February 15, 2021

Michelmore weighs in on expanding the child tax credit in Sinclair Broadcast Group article

"A program that is geared toward giving families money to reduce child poverty is money well spent," says Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs. She was quoted in the Sinclair Broadcast Group article, "Dems aim to increase, expand child tax credit, but some Republicans object." 
February 11, 2021

Engelhardt cited in Bloomberg article on missed housing payments

Fewer people surveyed at the end of last year said they feared losing their homes, which may be a result of government aid so far, says Gary Engelhardt, professor of economics. Read more in the Bloomberg article, "More Than 5% of Americans Didn’t Pay Rent, Mortgage in December." 
February 10, 2021

Popp talks to CNN, Washington Examiner about effects of Obama's Recovery Act

Professor David Popp talks to CNN, Washington Examiner about effects of Obama's Recovery Act.
February 2, 2021

Popp weighs in on Biden's climate directives in New York Times

David Popp, Caroline Rapking Faculty Scholar in Public Administration and Policy and co-author of a 2020 paper on the employment effects of the Obama-era spending on green job creation, discounted the notion of creating one million new auto manufacturing jobs. 
January 28, 2021

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