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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Federal

Thompson shares her thoughts on Biden, Harris with LocalSYR

"President Biden served eight years as vice president, so he was very much involved in the Obama presidency," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. 
January 26, 2021

Reeher talks to CNY Central about local benefits of a Biden presidency

"It might make it a little bit easier for John Katko to get the ear of the president if there's a major piece of legislation being negotiated," Reeher says. "We may be on his radar when he's thinking about the problems of small to mid-size cities. Are they getting the help from the federal government that they need? I think that is going to be a good thing for this area."
January 25, 2021

Reeher discusses Trump's legacies in The Hill

Professor Grant Reeher says that, in terms of policy, one of former President Donald Trump’s most enduring legacies could be the tax cuts he enacted in 2017. 
January 21, 2021

McDowell reviews Biden's agenda to revitalize US manufacturing in World Politics Review

Existing U.S. trade agreements may constrain President Joe Biden’s ability to deliver on his promise to spend $400 billion over four years on American-made goods, says Daniel McDowell, associate professor of political science.
January 20, 2021

See related: Federal, Trade, United States

Banks quoted in China Daily article on the inauguration

Professor William Banks was quoted in the China Daily article, "Capital prepared, tense for inauguration."
January 20, 2021

Popp discusses Biden's green jobs agenda in Forbes article

"Wages in solar and wind could increase if demand increased, at least initially," says Professor David Popp, who wrote about the impact of fiscal policy on green jobs in a working paper in June 2020. "But higher wages would also attract more workers to develop the skills to work in wind and solar, so the increase need not be permanent."
January 19, 2021

Keck weighs in on Trump impeachment in Al Jazeera

Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, was quoted in the Al Jazeera article, "'Toothless tiger': Impeachment could bar Trump from future office."
January 11, 2021

See related: Federal, United States

Maxwell faculty speak to the media about violence at the US Capitol

Those who spoke with various media outlets about yesterday's violence at the U.S. Capitol include Professor Emeritus William C. Banks who said the fiasco was a "lawless threat" to the country's democratic institutions. 
January 7, 2021

O'Keefe discusses Defense Secretary nominee Lloyd Austin in The Hill

University Professor Sean O'Keefe says that while the nomination of may have surprised more than a few people, Austin "may well prove to be exactly the right person for this tough job at this time in our nation’s history." Read O'Keefe's full commentary, "Lloyd Austin can lead — as a civilian," published in The Hill. 
January 6, 2021

McDowell examines how Biden will handle trade in World Politics Review

"While there is some room for Biden to maneuver when it comes to tariffs and other measures, the apparent durability of a Trumpian approach to trade signals that a new era in U.S. trade policy has not only arrived, it plans to stay awhile," writes Daniel McDowell, associate professor of political science.

December 16, 2020

See related: Federal, Trade, United States

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