Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Research
Huber Explores the Climate Change Crisis as a Class Problem in New Book
Huber, professor of geography and the environment, focuses on the everyday material struggle of the working-class over access to energy, food, housing and transportation. Huber argues that these necessities are core industries that need to be decarbonized.
See related: Climate Change
Maxwell Faculty, Graduate Students Contribute to New Social Sciences Book
Faculty members Robert Rubinstein and Sandra Lane are among the co-editors and contributors to this handbook, which investigates the social contexts of health—including food and nutrition, race, class, ethnicity, trauma, gender, mental illness and the environment—to explain the complicated nature of illness.
See related: Aging, Gender and Sex, Health Policy, Natural Disasters, Race & Ethnicity
Project-Think and the Fragmentation/Defragmentation of Civil Society in Egypt, Palestine and Turkey
See related: Middle East & North Africa, Non-governmental Organizations
Perceived impacts of COVID-19 on wellbeing among US working-age adults with ADL difficulty
See related: COVID-19, Health Policy, Mental Health
Churn in the older adult SNAP population
See related: Health Policy
The Economics of COVID-19
See related: COVID-19
Introduction: The Politics of the Migrant/Refugee Binary
This article interrogates the categorization and labeling of border crossers, particularly the categories of migrant and refugee as they are used in distinction with one another.
Susan Branson Explores the Place of Science and Technology in America’s Nation Building Efforts
Bringing together scientific research and popular wonder, Branson charts how everything from mechanical clocks to steam engines informed the creation and expansion of the American nation.
Radha Kumar Examines the Intertwined Nature of Police and Caste in Tamil Countryside
See related: India