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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Banks talks to CNN, Bloomberg about surveillance of presidents, people

William C. Banks, director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, says "the CIA needs to share what is known about its vulnerabilities with the companies that are impacted," in response to the documents released by WikiLeaks.

March 9, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

O'Keefe discusses commercial space flights, NASA in LA Times

According to University Professor Sean O'Keefe, NASA’s role as a “development catalyst” has been part of the agency’s objectives since its earliest days.

March 8, 2017

Banks weighs in on Trump's wiretap claims, FISA in CNY Central article

William Banks, professor of practice of public administration and international affars, says gaining access to the evidence to substantiate or refute Trump's wiretap claims will be incredibly difficult because under the law, the president can not access current or previous Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court orders.

March 7, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Smullen discusses defense budget, State Dept funding on Sputnik Radio

Bill Smullen, director of the National Security Studies program, is concerned that the U.S. State Department could receive less funding to accommodate the proposed 10 percent hike in military spending. "I am a big advocate of making sure that the diplomatic arm of the United States is as strong as it can possibly be," he says.

March 7, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Engelhardt's research cited in NY Times article on retirement

Gary Engelhardt, professor of economics, and his team's research concluded that people who continued to work past retirement age enjoyed an increase in the size of their networks of family and friends of 25 percent. The social networks of retired people, on the other hand, shrank during the five-year period.

March 7, 2017

Reeher weighs in on sub-cabinet vacancies on NPR's Marketplace

According to Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher, "A lot of prominent Republicans, the usual suspects, either aren't interested or they were critical of the Trump campaign so therefore, they are not being looked at."

March 7, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Boroujerdi cited in New Yorker article on Trump's hotel in Azerbaijan

Mehrzad Boroujerdi was quoted in The New Yorker article, "Donald Trump's Worst Deal," regarding the hotel President Trump helped build in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation. 
March 7, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Thompson discusses closing, merging congregations on CNYCentral

According to Margaret S. Thompson, associate professor of history and political science, some religious congregations may leave their buildings, but other groups can replace them, often representing groups that are new or growing in the community.

March 3, 2017

Banks explains how to appoint a special prosecutor in Business Insider

Professor Emeritus William C. Banks explains how a special prosecutor gets appointed. The explanation comes after lawmakers demand for a special prosecutor investigation on President Trump associates to Russian operatives.

March 2, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

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