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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Bertini quoted in Foreign Policy on new executive director of the World Food Program

Appointing former South Carolina governor David Beasley offers the “best shot possible for the continuation of American contributions,” says Catherine Bertini, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

March 27, 2017

Video available: debate on metropolitan form of government for Onondaga County

Campbell Institute Director and WRVO Campbell Conversations Host Grant Reeher moderated a debate on the recommendation to establish a new municipal form of government for Onondaga County, with a single executive and a 33-seat legislature. This Campbell Debate is part of an ongoing series sponsored by the Campbell Public Affairs Institute of the Maxwell School.

March 24, 2017

Taylor discusses Russia's moves near NATO nations in Fox News article

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says Russia's military incursion into Ukraine in 2014 makes these countries nervous. “All these countries are afraid. They’re sending a signal to Russia that they can provide their own security,” he says. 

March 24, 2017

Bertini discusses progress made in ending hunger in Farming First blog

In her blog post on, "Ending Hunger Is Within Our Grasp," Catherine Bertini reflects on the progress made in tackling malnutrition, and the challenge that remains to achieve zero hunger. 
March 23, 2017

See related: Agriculture, Food Security

Andrew Salkin '97 MPA discusses 100 Resilient Cities on Devex

Salkin '97 M.P.A., senior vice president of city solutions at 100 Resilient Cities, talks about how the organization, pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, helps urban leaders develop resilience strategies and share information across a diverse network of cities.

March 23, 2017

MPA/IR student Temnycky's op-ed on Ukraine's IT boom in EUobserver

Mark Temnycky, a Maxwell MPA/IR student, discusses Ukraine's rapidly developing information technology sector and how this industry can be of great benefit to the EU in his op-ed, "Ukraine’s IT boom could speed up EU integration." 03/22/17 
March 22, 2017

Sultana meets Pope Francis during Vatican workshop on water issues

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, examines a multitude of social issues related to access to clean water, including health, education, environmental justice and gender equality. Due to her decades-long research into water access, Sultana was invited to speak at The Human Right to Water workshop hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Vatican City.

March 22, 2017

Van Slyke comments on rage giving on NPR's Morning Edition

Dean David Van Slyke says organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood "run the risk of new donors becoming just one-time donors."

March 21, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Hou featured in Wall Street Journal article on potential property tax in China

Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, says China should introduce a property tax—"the earlier the better"—to stabilize the real-estate roller coaster of recent years. Read more in The Wall Street Journal article, "China Kicks Property Tax to the Curb--For Now.
March 20, 2017

Taylor quoted in Fox News article on EU nuclear weapons program

"It’s premature for a whole host of reasons,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science, on the of the idea of a European Union nuclear weapons program.

March 20, 2017

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