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Maxwell School News and Commentary

WP 170 Test of Hypotheses in a Time Trend Panel Data Model

Badi H. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao & Long Liu
This paper studies test of hypotheses for the slope parameter in a linear time trend panel data model with serially correlated error component disturbances.
June 30, 2014

WP 169 Treatment Effects with Unobserved Heterogeneity: A Set Identification Approach

Sung Jae Jun, Yoonseok Lee & Youngki Shin
The authors propose the sharp identifiable bounds of the distribution functions of potential outcomes using a panel with fixed T.
June 30, 2014

Burman study on taxation of Social Security benefits published in National Tax Journal

Leonard E. Burman, Norma B. Coe, Kevin Pierce & Liu Tian
May 31, 2014

See related: Taxation

Rothenberg study on financial crisis and productivity evolution published in The World Economy

Sharon Poczter, Paul Gertler & Alexander D. Rothenberg
April 30, 2014

WP 168 Endogenous Network Production Functions with Selectivity

William C. Horrace, Xiaodong Liu & Eleonora Patacchini
The authors consider a production function model that transforms worker inputs into outputs through peer effect networks.
April 30, 2014

WP 167 Identification and Estimation of Outcome Response with Heterogeneous Treatment Externalities

Eleonora Patacchini, Tiziano Arduini & Edoardo Rainone
March 31, 2014

WP 166 A Laplace Stochastic Frontier Model

William C. Horrace & Christopher F. Parmeter
March 31, 2014

Four Maxwell School Professors Named O’Hanley Scholars

The Maxwell School of Syracuse University is honoring four inspirational teachers and scholars as the first O’Hanley Faculty Scholars. 

March 7, 2014

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