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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Wilcoxen article on price mechanisms in international climate negotiations published in APPS

Warwick J. McKibbin, Adele C. Morris & Peter J. Wilcoxen
October 1, 2014

Rosenthal study on tax avoidance and business location published in Journal of Urban Economics

Shawn Rohlin, Stuart S. Rosenthal & Amanda Ross
August 31, 2014

WP 171 The Spatial Polish Wage Curve with Gender Effects: Evidence from the Polish Labor Survey

Badi H. Baltagi & Bartlomiej Rokicki
This paper reconsiders the Polish wage curve using Polish Labor Force Survey data at the 16 NUTS2 level allowing for spatial spillovers between regions.
July 31, 2014

Bifulco study on high school peer effects on college attainment published in Labour Economics

Robert Bifulco, Jason M. Fletcher, Sun Jung Oh & Stephen L. Ross
July 31, 2014

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