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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Taylor Talks to Forbes About What the Future Holds for Russia

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, discusses the war’s progress, the state of the Russian economy, Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, Vladimir Putin’s view of Ukrainian sovereignty and other topics. 

December 9, 2022

Solutions Manual for Econometrics, 4th Edition

Badi H. Baltagi
December 7, 2022

Human Rights Crimes Advisor Gains Critical Skills in Executive Master's in IR Program in DC

"When I saw Syracuse was offering an executive master’s program in conjunction with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, I knew this would be a great opportunity to work on the theory around the intersection of national security and human rights," says Heather Fischer, senior advisor for human rights crimes at Thomson Reuters Special Services.

December 6, 2022

National Geographic Writer Credits History Capstone with Preparing Her for a Journalism Career

Amy McKeever '06 B.A. (Hist), senior writer and editor for National Geographic in Washington, D.C., says research she conducted for her capstone thesis was her "first real exposure to an intense research project and helped her understand how to dig for historical documents and other primary sources."

December 6, 2022

Herrold Discusses her Research on Sovereignty in Palestine on POMEPS Podcast

Catherine Herrold, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was a guest on the Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) podcast and discussed her recent study, "Curating Sovereignty in Palestine: Voluntary Grassroots Organizations and Civil Society in the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

December 6, 2022

Mosher Weighs in on Schenectady’s Nickname Campaign in Albany Times Union Article

Anne Mosher, associate professor of geography and the environment department, says it’s not uncommon for localities to cast about for a new identity. “American communities have been reinventing themselves since the 19th century and this is generally how they attracted business and tourists.”  

December 6, 2022

Greene Talks to PBS NewsHour About Reentry Programs for Transgender Women

"No trans women that I formally interviewed or met in the course of my field research wanted to or felt safe in men's housing programs," says Joss Greene, assistant professor of sociology. 

December 5, 2022

Maxwell Faculty Share Insights on Midterm Election Results

Maxwell professors Chris Faricy, Shana Gadarian, Jenn Jackson and Sean O'Keefe participated in the Campbell Lecture, “After the Election: Assessing the Midterms,” on Nov. 17. Grant Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, moderated the discussion.

December 5, 2022

Maxwell Alum Launches ‘Dream Job’ Pairing Geography, Drones and Data in Washington, DC

Andy Paladino ’18 B.A. (Geog) pairs geolocation information with vision data and other software to provide analytics for commercial and government clients.

December 5, 2022

See related: Maps, Washington, D.C.

Daly Discusses the Protests in China on CNN

"This is the first time since Tiananmen that there have been national protests—they’re not really nation-wide, they’re in about 16 different provinces—about one issue," says Robert Daly, adjunct professor in the Maxwell-in-Washington program.

November 30, 2022

See related: China, COVID-19, Government

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