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Lambright weighs in on nominee for NASA administrator in WIRED

"He [President Trump] doesn’t have to be an advocate of climate change research," says Harry Lambright, professor of public administration and international affairs. "But he has to neutralize the idea that he is a climate change denier."

November 22, 2017

Reeher discusses 2017 voter turnout in CNY in Eagle News

"When you raise people’s political attention level, they’re more likely to go vote," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.
November 21, 2017

Lewis discusses military base realignments and closures in PA Times

Minchin Lewis, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs, discusses the impact of military base realignments and closures in his article "Predicting the unpredictable: BRAC impact on Local Government," 
November 21, 2017

Systemic Strengths, Domestic Deficiencies: The Renminbi’s Future as a Reserve Currency

Daniel McDowell & David A. Steinberg
November 21, 2017

See related: China

Bifulco comments on Say Yes to Education in article

Robert Bifulco, associate dean and chair of public administration and international affairs, was quoted in the article "Will Say Yes to Education scholarship program boost Cleveland's economy?" Bifulco believes in the program, stating that the primary goal is to intervene in students lives, with humanitarian effects being larger than economic impacts.
November 20, 2017

Gueorguiev book China's Governance Puzzle reviewed in Foreign Affairs

"The authors skillfully blend the latest statistics on corruption with illuminating case studies to argue that enlisting the Chinese public to monitor the bureaucracy would yield better results than continuing the current heavy-handed crackdown that targets corrupt individuals one at a time," claims a review of a book co-authored by Associate Professor of Political Science Dimitar Gueorguiev.

November 17, 2017

Kriesberg Op-Ed on Infrastructure Spending Published on

Louis Kriesberg, professor emeritus of sociology, shared his op-ed, "Demand infrastructure spending to make America safer, more resilient," on 
November 17, 2017

See related: Government, Infrastructure

Mismatch and academic performance at America’s selective colleges and universities

Amy Lutz, Pamela R. Bennett & Rebecca Wang
November 17, 2017

See related: Education

Burman discusses GOP tax plan in Washington Post, CBS News, NY Times

"This is not a burden increase. People who qualify for premium tax credits and drop insurance are better off doing it (their cost of insurance doesn't change). Worse off are those who have incomes too high to qualify for credits and would face much higher premiums," says Len Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics.

November 17, 2017

Maxwell alums featured in US News article on college prep for veterans

Nicholas Armstrong '08 MPA/'14 PhD (SSc) and Mitchell Forbes '16 BA (PSt), current EMPA student and 2017-18 SoldierStrong scholar, were interviewed for the U.S. News & World Report article "Prepare for College as a Veteran." 11/16/17
November 16, 2017

Maxwell student reflects on Critical Language Scholarship experience

Giovanna Saccoccio is a senior majoring in international relations and in public relations. Last spring, she earned a prestigious Critical Language Scholarship that allowed her to study Turkish intensively through an immersive experience abroad in Azerbaijan this past summer.

November 16, 2017

Monnat op-ed on the opioid crisis published in ConvergenceRI

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, discusses the need to address the underlying causes of distress, despair and disconnectedness in regards to the opioid epidemic.

November 15, 2017

Burman comments on the debate to end the estate tax in The Atlantic

If Gary Cohn, the White House chief economic adviser, "were trying to make a parody of the rich people’s argument for the estate tax, he couldn’t have done a better job,” says Leonard Burman, professor of public administration and international affairs and Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics.

November 15, 2017

Lovely weighs in on lowering the trade deficit on Marketplace

"However the Trump administration tried to achieve the goal of reducing the overall trade deficit quickly would come into conflict with other very important Trump administration objectives," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

November 15, 2017

Gueorguiev discusses how Asia welcomed Trump in US News

"I don't think anybody would be confused about how to deal with Trump, you have to play to his vanity," says Dimitar Gueorguiev, assistant professor of political science.

November 15, 2017

Maxwell X Lab innovates policymaking through behavioral science

The launch of Maxwell X Lab as a component of the Center for Policy Research in January 2017 is meant to understand human behavior based in social science and behavioral economics research. The goal here is to help Maxwell Students and faculty run experiments that result in reliable, convincing outcomes.
November 15, 2017

Boroujerdi discusses Middle East political crisis in ThinkProgress

"As the saying goes, when two elephants fight, it’s the grass that gets hurt, so in the confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it seems like Lebanon is the grass," says Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science.

November 14, 2017

Model UN team named distinguished delegation at DC conference

A Syracuse University/Maxwell team participating in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference earlier this month was named a “Distinguished Delegation” for its portrayal of the Republic of Finland/Suomi. To prepare for their simulation of global diplomacy, the SU/Maxwell team members studied the history, economy, politics, geography, culture, and foreign policy of Finland/Suomi, the structure and practice of the UN system, and the conference rules of procedure.

November 14, 2017

See related: Model U.N.

Murrett speaks to Brazilian media about Trump's visit to Asia

Robert Murrett, deputy director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, spoke with the Brazilian newspaper Estadão about President Trump's visit to Asia. Murrett says the issue of North Korea will be at the center of Trump's agenda in Beijing. "Any kind of action against North Korea has to include the Chinese." 11/13/17
November 13, 2017

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