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Mourning in Late Imperial China: Filial Piety and the State

Norman Kutcher
December 31, 1999

See related: China

The Evolving Practice of Medicine: A View from the Front Line

Robert M. Corwin, Thomas H. Dennison, Patricia D. Franklin, Paul B. Ginsburg & David G. Murray
August 31, 1999

Helping the Working Poor: Employer- vs. Employee-Based Subsidies

Stacy Dickert-Conlin & Douglas Holtz-Eakin
There has been renewed interest in subsidizing firms that employ disadvantaged workers as a means of addressing poverty and other social problems. In contrast, the prevailing practice is largely to provide social welfare benefits directly to individuals.
July 31, 1999

The Hidden Age Revolution: Emergent Integration of All Ages

Matilda White Riley
The author aims to show the potential for age integration to transform the basis for policy in the 21st century.
April 30, 1998

See related: Aging

Financing Higher Standards in Public Education: The Importance of Accounting for Educational Costs

William Duncombe & John Yinger
The authors explain why a performance focus and educational cost indexes must go hand in hand
January 31, 1998

Paths to Peace: Is Democracy the Answer?

Miriam F. Elman
December 31, 1997

American Legislative Leaders in the Midwest, 1911-1994 (vol. 2)

James Roger Sharp
December 31, 1997

See related: Government

Outcast Cape Town

John Western
December 31, 1997

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